Paying for Our Climate - Being the Ecocentric Selfby | 10-08-2017 03:54 |
Paying for Our Climate Being the Ecocentric Self!! A lot of things change from the sun rise to its set, and there are some may be more things that are serious changes. Well?. I believe in ?Changes?. Changes are good?. But not a ?climate change?. The thing is the change is very slow and not visible, we get to neglect it.
Even Though the change is very slow, our body feels what is going. In our day to day life cycle when use electricity, cars e.t.c. exhausted gas is created which is called Carbon dioxide which i call it ?the Spear Blanket?. This gas goes up into the air and covers us, as a big blanket. Having a lot of carbon dioxide in the air makes the weather too warm. Which cause the ground to dry and crack. The change in our climate is felt everywhere in the world.
So why should we care about climate change? How does it affect us?
Today our climate is affected by increase in the earth temperature. In the past century the temperature has risen from 1.2 degree Fahrenheit to 1.4degree Fahrenheit warmer. This change has happened because of our activities, having different kinds of vehicles, air planes and different things for our benefits. But all the gases that goes up in the air causes the temperature to rise, that is carbon dioxide. When the air gets warmer, we can feel the change in the temperature and the oceans gets hotter, and the animals in the ocean are affected.
The air getting warmer mostly affects animals that live in the oceans, which is called ocean acidification meaning ?rise of acidity in the ocean?s chemistry as a direct effect from Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reacting to salt water.? This affects the species that live in the ocean and over a million people who depend on the ocean for source of protein. Climate change also causes sea level to rise, in the last century as we see the sea level has risen to 6.7inches and in the last few decades it has doubled. As the heat in our temperature rises the ocean warms up, which then causes the ice to melt in the Poles. Even though the ice melts during summer and when winter comes it freezes again, which has a serious problem. In 2016 the oceans are increased by 84.8mm, which is a rate of about 3.4mm per year. Which then flows to the sea, as it keeps melting it feels up the oceans which then causes flood, because the oceans can?t hold all that water, a lot of people?s and animals lives. Humans burn a lot of fossil fuel, like natural gases and coal. This things go up into the air and traps heat in the atmosphere, which warms the temperature and melts ice, in the Iceland and the Antarctic. As the ice melts and the water goes to the oceans major cities are at risk of becoming submerged. Because of climate change a lot of lives are shortened, our world is not the way it should. Can we change it? Can we rescue our world? Can we do something about the climate change in our universe? YES! YES!!!
One big thing we can do is, take care of plants They are green, beautiful and refreshing. They clean up our pollution and carbon, they store and clean up water, they are food, shade from the heat, house for animals. A lot of us forget the use of plants sometimes, we are all catch up with technology and things we can do with more space. We cut the plants down and burn them and/or use them to make money, note books, pencil. But when we do this we are forgetting or care less for the animals and for the future generation.
We are part of nature. If we care less for nature we all will be extinct just like some animals who has been because of what we did to the plants, to their homes. Let?s give the animals a home to live, clean air for today?s and future generations and a peace of mind for ourselves.
Finally to save or destroy our planet is on our hands, by lessening the use of fuel gases we can rescue our universe. About 97% of scientist predict that if the heat in our atmosphere keeps rising then in a generation or two, all the ice in Iceland and Antarctica will be all melting. By that time we all be in danger, we can all do everything we can to save this universe. Let?s stand up together to rescue the planet we live in. Let's pay it forward. Speaking of which I remembered a movie? ?Pay it forward? its an awesome movie. That's exactly how it works. It's a matrix chain. I do good not just because doing good is good its because I AM ?GOOD? itself !! I sacrifice myself for the better tomorrow. I believe in Karma. What goes around comes around?. Ya!! Maybe not on me? but why would my next generation suffer for the faults and mistakes i do??
Being an Ecocentric self!!! |