Crop Farming In Zambiaby Chabala Chisenga | 07-08-2017 08:14 |
Good Evening Eco Generation Family. I Would Like To Briefly Share With You Some Information About Crop Farming in Zambia. Crop farming involves different types of crops. In this section you will find companies listed that grow, buy and sell different types of crops. These crops include maize, cassava, sugarcane, wheat, rice, pumpkin, cotton, soybeans, potatoes, hay and many more. These crops are offered on wholesale and retail to individuals and companies alike. Zambia?s crop production is biased towards maize, the country?s staple food. Under the right policy environment, the country has the capability to mobilize maize production on a sustainable. Other emerging products such as palm, jatropha and barley. -Source Thank You. |