Natural Resource Depletion!by Prakriti Dhakal | 25-07-2017 21:56 |
Environmental Problem!! Natural Resource Depletion! Nature around us gives the materials and components, huge biodiversity and geodversity which are essential for survival and satisfying our needs but we are using resources beyond the rate of replacement. We can define resource depletion as a term used to describe the resources in a country or area being used up and has no more of current use it includes depletion of resources such as trees, oil, fish, fossil fuel, minerals etc. Once these resources excessive used to the extent that they cannot be replace in time to fulfil the needs of mankind in time, they become exhausted and may eventually disappear from the earth altogether. Its causes can be classified as: Over population Non equitable distribution Overuse Deforestation Erosion Habitat degradation leads to the loss of biodiversity Aquifer depletion Pollution or contamination of resources Industrial development and so on... WHY RESOURCES ARE UNDER PRESSURE? Due to increase in the complexity of technology enabling natural resources to be extracted quickly and efficiently, a rapid increase in population, this leads to greater demand for natural resources. Cultures of consumerism. Materialistic views lead to the mining of gold and diamonds to produce jewellery, unnecessary property for human life advancement. Excessive demand often leads to conflicts due to intense competition, non-equitable distribution of resources. It ultimately impacts on our day to day living by imbalance in nature, shortage of materials, and struggle for existence, slackening of economic growth so now rather to make tea talk on its problems we need to move on ultimate solutions that can be starting from you by reducing food and water wastage, reduction in the use of automobiles. |