Nuclear Waste in Thailandby | 30-06-2017 11:42 |
The "Atom for Peace" program was launched after the end of the World War II. This stimulated the concepts of having an atomic energy research center available in Thailand. The Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (OAEP) was established serving as the government authority implementing the respective works and activities. The radioactive waste in Thailand is composed of low level wastes from the application of radioisotopes in medical treatment, research, education, and industry. Wastes from these activities are collected and treated by the OAEP using chemical precipitation methods. The Radioactive Waste Management Division (RWMD) is the centralized radioactive waste management in the country and is responsible for all technical, radiological, environmental and safety activities associated with every unit operation of waste management. Moreover, due to increasing of radioactive wastes produced from radioisotope applications, the new centralized waste processing and storage facility, which is attached to the new Nuclear Research Center at Ongkrarak district in Nakornnayok Province, will be established in the near future. National Policy for Radioactive Waste Management Since the Thai Atomic Energy Commission (Thai AEC) set the policy that the Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (OAEP) has to render the service of management of the radioactive wastes to all radioisotope users in Thailand. The mission has assigned to the Radioactive Waste Management Division (RWMD), serving as the National Centralized Radioactive Waste Management Operating Organization. At the moment, there is an interim radioactive waste management policy which states that: - Radioactive Waste needs to be safely managed in accordance with internationally agreed principles. - Reuse/recycle and minimization of radioactive waste should be taken into account of reducing waste generation. - Radioactive Waste needs to be classified by method of treatment, conditioning and disposal. - Appropriate Research and Development to support the operational and regulatory is needed. - Spent Sealed Radiation Source should be returned to the supplier/manufacture. - Safety and Security of spent radiation source need the responsibilities of all parties, e.g., owner/licensee, regulatory body and the National Centralized Radioactive Waste Management Operating Organization. Reference Atomic Energy for Peace Act, B.E. 2504. Government Gazette. Vol. 78, No. 36, 25th April B.E. 2504 (1961), pp. 423-436. IAEA. Draft "Country Nuclear Safety Profile in Thailand," IAEA, 1998. Pathom Yamkate. "General Concepts of Radioactive Waste Management in Thailand, the 2nd Seminar on Radioactive Waste Management for Regional Nuclear Cooperation in Asia," 15-17 October 1996, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. N. Chantaraprachom, L. Siripirom, N. Klaysubun. "Decontamination and Decommissioning Plan for Thai Research Reactor TRR-1/M1, presented to RCA Regional Training Course on Decontamination and Decommissioning of Research Reactor and Other Small Nuclear Facilities, 22 Oct-2 November 2001, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. |