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Traditional Games Return Campaign

by Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas | 27-06-2017 01:51

Sorry for very very late post..   __

Nowadays, the advancement of technology makes many people to find and to download games from computers or mobile phones easily.  Many children have addicted to the online game and it makes them lazy to do something else in particular physical activities. Online game is a kind of game that utilizes internet network and it can be played together and communicate directly among fellow players in the same game.

The negative impact of online games are as follows:

1.     Health decreases

Children who have a passion for playing this game have a weak immune system due to lack of physical activities, sitting too long, often too late to eat, often exposed to radiation emission from the computer monitor screen and so on. The diseases that are often encountered in those who are addicted to play this game, including heart attack, stroke, minus eyes, obesity, lungs, dislocation of the fingers, neurological disease, haemorrhoid, and diseases around the spine.


2.     Mental disorders

The number of scenes in the online games indirectly teach players to commit crimes and violence, such as fighting, vandalism, rape, murder, etc. In some many cases, such a condition could influence the subconscious of a person that thinking the real life is the same as in the game. Some cases of violence reported by mass media that involving children and adolescents as the culprits. It is an evidence that online games can damage person's mental development. Some characteristics of a person experiencing mental disorders due to the influence of online games are: irritability, emotional, easy to say dirty words, cursing, stealing, and so forth.


3.     Maturity obstacles

Time-consuming online games can also affect a person's maturation process.  It is well-founded because the world in online games invites a person to drift and dissolve in a groove that one might not grow into an adult. A person who has been affected, will usually be characterized by an attitude such as shy, inferior, lack in self-confidence, spoiled, and childish.


4.     Influencing children's learning achievement

Spare time that should be ideally for studying of school subjects is more often used to complete level by level of the game. Their concentration power is generally also disrupted.  Hence, the ability to absorb subjects given by teachers will be not maximal. In adults, online games can affect their productivity in the workplace.  If it is not immediately stopped, it will close to the possibility of ending with dismissal.


5.     Difficulty socializing with others

Those who have been accustomed to living in cyberspace, generally they will have difficulty when having to socialize in the real world. Anti-social attitudes, lacking the desire to mingle with society, family, and friends are the features shown by those who have become addicted to the game.



6.     Waste money

Online games also educate someone to live extravagantly.  Those who do not have computer facilities at home, they are forced to come to the cafe that provides the games and automatically have to spend money. The cost of electricity at home will also be swelling, especially for those who use desktop computers for hours without stopping.


With the rampant online game problems among children and adolescents, on 14 May 2017, my friends and I tried to campaign the return of the traditional games. Some of the traditional games that we proposed are playing rubber jump, enggrang and mancala.


Rubber jump, or commonly known as lompat karet in Indonesia, is a game played by banding a lot of rubber band together to create a long rope. After the rubber band rope is created, the two ends would be hold by someone, and another person will hop back and forth from the rubber band rope. These rubber band ropes are held at certain height, depending how the people playing it wants to do it. In simple terms, lompat karet is like a combination of jumping rope and limbo. Except, rather than going under it like how limbo is played, you have to go over it.


Then there is enggrang. I don?t really know the english word for that, or any other word that suits enggrang. If you have seen a clown with really long legs, then enggrang is simillar to those clown legs. Where as a clown?s stick has it?s place to put it?s feet at the high end of the stick, an enggrang?s stick has it?s place to put it?s feet at the near bottom providing it?s player with handles.


Lastly the mancala, also known as congklak, is a game that commonly use seashell as the beads. So there is a long board with equal holes on all side, and these holes vary from one another. How much the beads should fill up a place depends on the numbers of holes there are. If there are 10 holes on each side, then each hole should be filled 9, except for the main hole that serves as the place you collect your bead. Then after that, you just play according to you turn. Picking up the beads, and placing one in each and every hole, until there is no more left, and are all at either both of the houses.


The traditional games will encourage children to know the environment. Traditional games can integrate elements of education, entertainment, sports, arts and culture. Traditional games are also considered to make it easier for children to learn character of education. They can understand the power of self, the power of friends or others, understand the differences, and open the philosophy of the concept of consciousness.

The concept of consciousness has 3 aspects, namely:

1.  Aware of nature.

Almost all traditional games are friendly to nature. It is seen from the resources used, such as rocks, sand, soil, water, leaves, grass, fire to the wind.


2.  Conscious creations.

This means that the availability of resources is created in the form of games. Topographically traditional game has its own uniqueness, depending on the surrounding conditions.

3. Aware of the law.

When the children are familiar with the traditional games, they can make a consensus.  They create their own regulations before playing the games. For example, they will make a deal of one to another about who will play for the first time, when to change the player, etc.


The most important thing by doing the traditional game is the saving of electricity. Electric energy saving should also be done to prevent global warming.  The traditional games encourage children to active physically.  It is very good for their health and growth.

