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by | 14-06-2017 04:13


          The city of Abidjan is since one week now undergoing a high rain season. It is said that the raining season is going to last for two months. Unfortunately, only one week now and many communes of the city are immerged.

                 Abidjan, the capital city of Ivory Coast possesses ten (10) communes, but some of them are suffering during this rain season. In fact, the communes of Koumassi, Cocody and Yopougon are suffering since one week now. The rain is inundating houses, streets and markets. People in their houses cannot sleep when it is raining, the traffic is stopped in these areas, and the markets are empty as everywhere we find an artificial river created by the rain. What causes such a catastrophe during the rain?s season?

          The reasons of the flood in these communes of the city of Abidjan are various. The first reason evoked is the lack of gutters that can lead to the non circulation of the rain water. In addition to that, the rare gutters are not cleaned up by the communal authorities, but also there is the bad behavior of the population who throws everything in the gutters. So when the gutters are full the rain water can just inundate the roads and the markets and even enter in some people houses. Secondly, there is the anarchy in the buildings system. As a matter of fact, people do not care of the practicability of the land on which they are building their houses. And this leads us to think that the government does not care about regulating the land system. People buy lands which are not sustainably useable. Finally, many people do not have access to safe and affordable houses. They live in townships in unsecure and unsustainable houses. For instance, their houses can be broken down by a strong wind and a strong rain. What do we notice as consequences?

              This one week rain in the city of Abidjan has created many and unbelievable damages. Firstly, people living in these communes are not able to go out for their regular occupations as there is no means of transport available during the rain?s season. There is no easy way to find food as the markets in these communes are closed. We are now in the final examination period for students of secondary schools, and in these communes students are taking their exam in a classroom full of water. Finally, this rain has made nine (9) deaths including one baby according to the latest news.  What can we do to prevent such sad situation?

               We think the government and the communal authorities must invest in cleaning up the gutters but also build new gutters to let the rain water circulate. It is also important for NGOs, the government and youth leaders to sensitize the populations on the proper way of using the gutters and their lands. It is important to build their capacities on environmental issues and sustainability.