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Father Of Royal Rainmaking in Thailand

by | 12-06-2017 01:54

Hello Everyone ! I abstained from writing reports last month due to my unstable schedule etc. , but I'm back now ! For today's report, I will be talking about Royal Rainmaking Project established by HM the Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

          In May, I have visited my relatives' house in a rural area. Comparing my visits since I was a kid, there's one thing that can be noticed obviously. The land got dryer and dryer. Drought situation gets worse as time passes. It is sad to realize that while human beings are developing in a better way, the world is genuinely suffering. This made me think of one Royal Project that benefits all of us, Royal Rainmaking Project.

          Majority of Thai people depend on agriculture, they need a large amount of water for farming activities. Formerly, Thai farmers had to wait for seasonal rain to grow crops. As a result, the crop production usually suffered from drought as there was not enough rainfall during the long dry season. HM the Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej learned about this problem by travelling to even the remotest corner of the country. Out of the purpose to help his people, the King devoted himself to studying and researching artificial rainmaking techniques and donated his private funds to launch the Royal Rainmaking Project. The project has proved successful since the first experiment in 1969.


1. Agitation
Seeding hygroscopic chemicals stimulates a mass of air to rise higher to create humidity. This helps nature to form rain clouds, and it increases the potential amount of rainfall.

2. Fattening
Fattening of the rain clouds is done by scattering exothermic-hygroscopic chemicals to make droplets of water condense.

3. Attacking
Flying a plane through the heavy clouds accelerates the process of raindrop formation.

This is one of many effective ways to help resolving drought. Thai people feel thankful for His Late Majesty's intelligence and kindness for the citizens. The project is still being upgraded and will absolutely continue in the future.


The Editors of Thaiways "Father of Royal Rainmaking". .  Accessed: June 11, 2017.

The Editors of Wikipedia "Royal Rainmaking Project". . Last update: November 11, 2016. Accessed: June 11, 2017.