NATURE IS OUR SOURCE OF LIFE #WED 2017by | 06-06-2017 03:45 |
In our contemporary world many people, just like Fisher (2003) believe that our connection to nature has been replaced with Technology. Now children in industrialized countries are no longer able to mention more than three native plants, and adults know more automotive brands than bird?s names. Some scientists are of the view that, there is no reality apart from dead matters and therefore all life must be reduced to the blind law of Survival and Selection. With this feeling such as awe, love and generosity are seen as a mere illusions invented by our genes for better survival. This approach defines how mankind is treating the planet. Today Men have become greedy, selfish and want to achieve quick results. Their actions disrupt the ecological balance and pollute the physical environment destroying our land and waters through illegal mining (galamsey), cutting down trees without replacing them, fishing with chemicals, polluting the air and destroying the ozone layer with chemicals and more. Not only does our action pollute the physical environment but also stimulate negative emotions on a subtle level, within ourselves and those around us. These negative energizes expanded and compounded are the root cause of much of the violence and misery in the world. On Monday, the 29th of May, 2017, the country of Ghana was hit with sad news following the gruesome murder of a military officer, Captain Maxwell Adams Mahama by the people of Denkyira-Obuase in the Central Region. A Soldier who took a vow to protect and defend his people and nation was lynched to death by his own people. I sat down with pain and anguish. I asked myself where the conscience of these people is and where is the place of empathy? People?s heart has grown cold, love is missing and mercy does not exist anymore. Man has lost contact with humanity. They have lost contact with themselves and nature as a whole. We have built skyscrippers, aeroplanes, cars, bicycles and more but we have no peace. We now have the easiest means of communicating through mobile phones and social media yet we do not understand each other. We spent most of our time on our phones and devices and do not care to chat with our partners, friends and family and this have resulted n relationship problems, isolation and lack of social support. A poet and a writer in the 18th century, Samuel Johnson wisely stated that ?deviation from nature is deviation from happiness?. It is also believed by Harvard Psychologists that by2020 depression will be the second most fluent illness worldwide after heart and circulatory disease fuelled in large part by the growing alienation from nature. Furthermore, it has been proposed by the writer Richard louv in the U.S that a new disease has to be added to the clinical catalogue ?NDD – ?Nature Deficit Disorder?. Human seek nature because they have lost something inside. Human can only fully comprehend their own inwardness if they understand their existence as cultural being who are existentially tied to the symbolic process active in nature. Science and technology can never be a replacement for our connection to nature. See how the plants takes in carbon dioxide from the environment and gives us oxygen fro our survival. Feel the amazing breeze that the sea gives. Indeed nature is beautiful. Research reveals that environment can increase or reduce our stress, which in turn imparts our bodies. What you see, hear and experience at any moment in time changes not only your mood but also how your nervous, endocrine, and immune system works. It is also proven that outdoor education is critical for child development and connection to nature enable people to live a sustainable lifestyle. Kim, and cervinka shows that time in nature or scenes of nature are associated with positive mood, psychological well being, meaningfulness and vitality. Unlike fisher (2003), Ecopsychology and the Biophilia hypothesis strongly echoes the value of nature and our connection to nature. The Biophilia hypothesis is originally defined (Wilson, 1984) as an ?innate tendency to affiliate with other lives such as pants and animals. This necessarily means that humans have the desire to be near nature. Ecopsychology, a branch in psychology seeks to examine how human well being is related to the well being of the natural environment. This theory is based on the idea that the needs of human being and nature are interdependent so human health will suffer if nature does as well. Science and technology have made life easier but our connection to nature makes life enjoyable and worth living. Nature gives meaning to life and it is only in nature that satisfaction and fulfillment b found. This why human consciousness must rise above greed and exploitation. This why Man?s knowledge of himself should complement his understanding of the universe and formed the foundation for a strong and healthy relationship to the creation in which he lives in. This is why we must raise awareness of the value and importance of our connection to nature. If our environment is healthy and positive, it has an impact on us. And as a result, they come into balance and we experience a greater sense of peace and connection within ourselves and with others around us. Nature has its own means of balance. It is very clear that the elements of nature oppose each other. Water destroy fire, fire destroys air and the species in nature – birds, reptiles, mammals –different from each other are hostile towards each other, yet nature balance them out. We need to take lessons from how nature balance opposing forces, both within ourselves and in the world around us. Connecting to nature is connecting to the source of life. By: Mathias Adjei Akuoko