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Let's Rehabilitate Our Degraded Lands!

by | 22-05-2017 15:39

Before executing the 'Let's rehabilitate degraded lands with carbon reservoirs', we conducted several meetings with all of the volunteers of the Carbon Farming School. There were about 10 volunteers which were actively to commit the meeting. In this meeting, the volunteers discussed several activities which will be drafted to the project execution. The activities which were executed in the ground during the project implementation were: selecting sites for rehabilitation, selecting tree species for rehabilitation, land rehabilitation games, land rehabilitation education, social forestry, and reporting (publication). These activities were agreed by all of the members or volunteers. In this case, there were around 100 students who were engaged to the project from two schools which were SD N 1 Bojong and SD N Cihideung Ilir. In addition, youths and local farmers as well as local communities of approximately  15 persons were actively engaged. All of the volunteers had the best idea and innitiatives which were concordance with what the Carbon Farming School mission and vission. These initiatives were accomodated and will be translated in other time and progress.

In this activity, education of how to rehabilitate degraded land with agroforestry system was introduced. The introduction was given to SD N Bojong and Cihideung Ilir. About 100 students were actively getting involved as the project was run out. In the introduction, all determinant voluntarily teachers from IGAF volunteers and members were engaged with aim to trigger the spirit of young people on educating environment to early age of the students. In the explanation, some set theories and practices were given without giving a complex knowledge to them. Some set theories given were such as: agroforestry, tree, climate change, rehabilitation, green house gas emission, and so forth. These materials were integrated and interlinked so that the students were easily ascertained what kind of actions and solutions for better environment and climate change mitigation. As simple as possible explanation which was given was a tremendous way to educate the students of how to rehabilitate land and plant trees.

Several fast growing and multi-purpose tree species were used to the rehabilitation of the degraded lands. There were about 100 trees or seedlings which were used to rehabilitate lands. Besides the rehabilitation action, the most important of the project was carbon counting with the prior formula proposed by FAO.Most of fast growing tree species were used for rehabilitation while most of multi-purpose tree species were used for household uses in which the utilization will be intended for fruit and livelihood intention. In adition, from the above table and pie chart, a impactful analysis can be established in which if we as human beings plant tree as much as we want so that carbon dioxide or carbon can be stored in the tissues of the plants withouh affecting the occurance or release of green house gas emission. In addition, trees will be beneficial not only for storing carbon but also for human beings? needs such as fruit, wood, fibers, energy, biomass, and so forth.

Beside land rehabilitation, we also conducted social forestry activities. The social forestry will focus on the dissemination and distribution of remaining trees after land rehabilitation program. The dissemination and distribution were not limited just for local farmers, but also youths and children were able to take a part in the regard by taking the trees and planting them in their lands. The distribution of the trees were carried out by giving them to local farmers voluntarily and asked to the farmers to plant them in their fields or degraded lands they have. During this activity, most of children were satisfied with the tremendous acceptance of the tree distribution by local farmers. Besides the giving of the trees, the students were engaged to motivate local farmers and communities to take action together on preserving the trees until growing well will be achieved because we do believe the trees will be used for altrusitics intention.

For further information, you can refer this link: