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by | 16-05-2017 22:49

 International day of biological diversity, that is 22nd May, is round the corner. We commemorate this day towards understanding and increasing awareness of biodiversity issues that affect our fauna.


Through my report I want to bring reader?s attention to the critically endangered hawksbill sea turtles in the UAE.  The turtle population in the UAE is very small and at risk of disappearing if enough measures are not taken to protect them. There is no strong monitoring program in the country. Hawksbills turtles from one nest are not mixing with those in other areas, indicating they are confined to their nests and not freely moving around the UAE waters.

Turtles play a prominent role in the eco-system as they are food for many creatures in the sea. Coral reefs and sea grass meadows that are essential for number of water creatures are maintained by Hawksbills turtles.  Turtles also help keep jellyfish numbers in check.

There are few Non-Profit Organizations like EWS, Dubai?s Wildlife Protection Office, Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project (DTRP) at The Aquarium, who came up to  protect biodiversity in key sites across the emirates including species and ecosystems of concern in the region raise awareness on the high UAE Ecological Footprint and contribute to policy and institutional framework to address environmental issues. EWS has been working in association with WWF, and is known as EWS-WWF. 

Few years back, I started my contribution towards protecting our biodiversity by adopting a turtle that will give a huge boost to the work done by WWF EWS. They not only help fund projects to work with local communities to monitor turtle movements and protect their habitat but also fund our other vital work around the world. Adoption and support campaign helps to

  • reduce illegal fishing
  • promote sustainable fishing practices
  • expand and create marine protected areas
  • help local communities conserve and manage their natural resources
  • help strengthen law enforcement to halt the illegal trade in turtles


Conservation of the species

Environmentalist organizations are working  closely with the community to minimize disturbance to nesting mothers by avoiding bright lights and loud noise in the area.

Warren Baverstock, aquarium operations manager for the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project (DTRP) at The Aquarium, Burj Al Arab, said over 300 juvenile sick turtles washed up ashore this year in the UAE. They are running a Dubai turtle rehabilitation program in collaboration with Dubai?s Wildlife Protection Office.

The Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project has treated several hundred hawksbills and released over 1,100 into the waters after treatment.

As per Turtle conservationist Major Ali Suwaidi, -one of the ways to increase the turtle population is to set up hatcheries.  Turtle eggs are put in a hatchery as it protects them from predators and human interference. After 45 days the turtles hatch and released into the water.

Turtles have reached to near extinction stage because of human activities. Fishing and plastic pollution causes fatal injury and sickness to the animals. As human beings we have moral obligation to protect them. We should refrain from using plastics and throwing it into the water bodies.

Credit- Gulf News, , Hawksbill Sea turtle- courtesy google images