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Water Pollution in Thailand

by | 27-04-2017 23:34

            According to researches about water pollution in Thailand, quality of water in many resources has been deteriorating continuously due to a release of pollutants for a long period of time. Pollutants are mostly caused by human activities, communities' activities depending on an economic growth in those specific areas, the development of industry, agriculture and tourism. The amount of pollutants keeps increasing and this becomes very worrying because it might affect the preparation of clean water for people to use in their daily life. Furthermore, this might also affect people's occupation.    

These are policies and guidelines made by the Thai Pollution Control Department to control water pollution.

+ Policies

                1. Restore water quality in all resources in the country hastily

                2. Decrease and control water pollution caused by communities, agriculture and industries

                3. People who cause water pollution should be responsible for expenses used for solving water pollution.

                4. Encourage the private sector to participate in water pollution management

+  Guidelines

                - Control water pollution in 25 river basins, all over the country in order of importance, determine regulations, and take action for solid results

                - Prepare plans for emergencies & accidents caused by a spreading of pollutants and toxic surroundings that affect water quality

                - Control water usage strictly

                - Authorities should be responsible for controlling toxic water from resources at all levels

                - Examine & Evaluate water quality and all relevant departments should cooperate to solve water pollution continuously

            - Reserve an area for a long-term water treatment

             - Publicize knowledge about water treatment to citizens

            - Support researches about technology for water treatment

            - Cheaper tax for importing tools used for water treatment

Water Treatment in Thailand

1. Physical Treatment : remove contamination from wastewater such as solid waste, paper, food, gravel, sand or oil by using tools

2. Chemical Treatment : use chemical methods to create a chemical reaction. This method is used when wastewater has either higher or lower pH than a standard, is toxic, contains heavy metal etc.

3. Biological Treatment : use biological methods & microorganism to remove contamination, especially Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus.