Water pollution and Water savage in Afghanistanby | 10-04-2017 03:55 |
![]() ![]() Water is basic necessity of life it must be safe and clean. Afghanistan gets its water from ravers and undergrounds supply, which is reliant on rainfall and snow. less than 35% of Afghan citizens have access to clean,safe drinking water. which can cause stunted growth in children Iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration, fever and kidney disease. E coli is a bacteria which can be found in water of Afghanistan. According to a survey conducted by united nations children's fund, which found 102 of every 1000 children born in Afghanistan will die before reducing to age of five. The medical and solids wastes are mixed together than buried in the capital. Some is also thrown on the ground, experts warn that over time the waste will seep into the underground water table poisoning the water And more than three decades war can also have negative effect on the water. 1.5 liter clean water normally cost ( 0.27USD ) which is difficult for people to pay that high amount of money for clean water And in same time Afghanistan is suffering from shortage of water. Population increases and predictable temperature raise due to climate change. Thousands of well already have been sunk in Kabul city capital of Afghanistan. Because of no canalization and proper waste management underground water in Afghanistan is a serious thereat. So Afghanistan is constructing Water dams to save its water and to generate electricity. One of the newly Dam( Salama dam ) was constructed by Indian Govt which costs 300 million USD and have currently produce 42 megawatts of power plus providing irrigation for 75000 hectares of farmland. In conclusion it is much better to take of rivers not to let people to through everything into rivers And start working on Canalization of water which can help us in savage of water, to conduct regular leek hunts in canalization. Feel free for asking questions regarding report. Regards You can find References of the pictures here. httpswww.google.com.egsearchq=how+to+prevent+poor+water+quality&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiv_rDN-ZfTAhUFHpAKHbimAdUQ_AUIBigB&biw=1600&bih=745&dpr=1#tbm=isch&q=water+pollution+in+kabul&imgdii=Y-F3hDl5NuAa_M&im httpswww.google.com.egsearchq=how+to+prevent+poor+water+quality&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiv_rDN-ZfTAhUFHpAKHbimAdUQ_AUIBigB&biw=1600&bih=745&dpr=1#tbm=isch&q=water+pollution+in+kabul&imgrc=IlfZLj5SUhiWMM |