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Waste Segregation Project - Part 2

by Sudarshan Sreeram | 10-04-2017 20:33

As I had discussed in my previous report, waste segregation plays a vital and important role in today's world. In this report, I will be sharing my experiences of carrying out waste segregation in my residential building. Taking inspiration from the successes of other residential buildings in becoming Eco-friendly, the resident welfare association in my residential building decided to form an environment committee to discuss solutions to environmental problems and come up with ideas to make the building Eco-friendly. After extensive discussions, committee members agreed that waste segregation was the first project that was going to be carried out.

The waste generated in each house is segregated into wet waste, dry waste, and reject waste. Each house is provided with green bins which are used for wet waste, white jute bags for dry waste, and red bins for reject waste (non-recyclable waste). Residents are provided with a waste segregation guideline so that they segregate the waste properly. The waste collected form the green bins are processed in a machine to make compost and the waste collected from the white jute bags (recyclable waste) are further segregated (into paper, metals, plastics, electronics, etc.) and sold to several organizations which undertake the task of recycling these materials to create new products. The compost produced can be utilized by the building as fertilizer for the plants or can be sold to organizations which collect compost. By doing this, the resident welfare association earns revenue which can be used for making the apartment more Eco-friendly.

What is compost?
What are the different types of compost?
What are that factors that affect composting?

All organic substances are bio-degradable which mean that they can be broken down by the action of bacteria and is hence not harmful towards the environment. When these substances decay/break down, they form compost which can be used to enrich the soil with nutrients and regulate the soil temperature. There are five important factors to consider in the creation of compost:
  • Temperature
  • Moisture
  • Particle Size
  • Oxygen Supply
  • Volume of materials
There are many different composting methods that can be implemented to start compost production. Some of these methods are as follows:
  • In-Vessel Composting - In this method, the waste materials are put in a closed bin. This method is effective in producing compost all year round, but due to the lack of aeration, the composting process can take up to six months.
  • Turning Bin Composting - This is an upgrade to the previous method as the entire bin can be rotated to aerate the contents. This will quicken the process of decomposition, but will require some amount of manual labor. 
  • Sheet Composting - In this method, a layer of organic material is spread over a large area so that decomposition can take place on site and in a short amount of time.
  • Pile Composting - In this method, the waste is collected in a huge pile and is left to decompose. The time to produce compost is lesser as it is left in open air.
  • Pit Composting - In this method, a pit is dug and waste materials are collected in the pit. The pit is then covered with soil and the waste is left to decompose. It has the advantage of hiding the compost (keeping the place neat), but requires a lot of labor.
Vermicomposting is the utilization of worms for the faster breakdown of waste materials.

In the city where I live, there is a lot of awareness on waste segregation which is being carried out in many apartments and our government is doing its best to encourage the citizens. My next report will be on the initiatives taken by the residents of my apartment and other organizations to promote Eco-friendly living.

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