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The Air Quality in Antananarivo, Madagascar

by | 04-04-2017 14:42


The Atmospheric Particulates Matters (APM) are the component of air which polluted such as dust, gases or metals.

APM are distinguished by their diameter equivalent. Then, the APM?s types are:

?  PM 10: the particulate matter have the diameter under 10 micrometers

?  PM 2,5-10: the particulate have the diameter between 2,5 to 10 micrometers

?  PM 2,5: the particulate matter have the diameter under 2,5 micrometers

It is noted that all the particulate matters are inhalable. And they presented a danger in health, especially the problem of respiration. Then, it will conduct to the cancer of lungs or another problem. When the particulates are smaller, the risk of danger increases.

To insure the quality of the air in the World, the WHO adopted the daily guide values about the PM. So according to WHO, those values depend on the type of PM, for PM10, it is 50µg/m3 and for PM2,5 , it is 25µm/m3. Those are the references in the World, but what is the situation of air quality in Madagascar?

The centre of research about air quality in Madagascar


In Madagascar, the quality of air is studied especially by INSTN (Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires/ Nuclear Sciences and Techniques National Institute). The Institute have researched the quality air in Antananarivo in different area where are very frequented like Tunnel of Tunnel of Ambohidahy, Andravoahangy, Ankadimbahoaka, Analakely, 67 Ha.

Cases in Antananarivo

Andravoahangy is the place in the Centre of Antananarivo, where there is a big market and more traffic. During the research in 2008, the PM 2,5 was concentrated between 16,37µg/m3 to 52,78µg/m3. The PM 10 had a concentration between 44,73µg/m3 to 134,43µg/m3.

In October 2016, there was another research about the air quality in Antananarivo. The results are:

  • ?  The tunnel of Ambohidahy was saturated because the concentration of PM was between 74µg/m3 to 217µg/m3
  • ?  Analakely had the concentration around 53µg/m3
  • ?  The average concentration in 67Ha is 28µg/m3 to 33µg/m3
  • ?  Ankadimbahoaka had PM around 360µg/m3

According to those results, we can note that Antananarivo is considerate like saturated town, because the concentration of PM in the different place frequented is over the daily guide values.

It is explained by Ambohidahy is a tunnel where there is not enough aeration and it imprisons the fine particulates. It is also among the most frequented place in Antananarivo.

Analakely is near of the tunnel of Ambohidahy. It was also so polluted because there is a big market in the town, and this place is so frequented. And there is always traffic. So the exhaust gases of the old cars increases the pollution of air.

Andravoahangy had this result because it is near of the principle road. Then, the concentration of PM increased by the exhausted gases of cars during the market period, and by the dust caused by the customers.

So with the over traffic in Antananarivo, the town is always exposed in pollution of air. It will conduct unhealthy situation like respiratory diseases and heart disease. To attenuate this situation, we should plant trees to purify the air, and the old car should not be used anymore.



April 2017



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Hery RAKOTONDRAMANANA, L. R. (2003, Avril-Juin). Application de la fluorescence X à la réflexion totale à l'étude des matières particulaires et des métaux lourds de la pollution de l'air dans la ville d'Antananarivo. Pollution atmosphériques N?178 , pp. 273-283.

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