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How can we motivate people to conserve energy .

by | 27-03-2017 20:29

At first we should know the right question to ask ?what?s in it for me?? before they decide to act the way you want.

What?s more, the ?what?s in it for me?? factor for senior management and general employees often comes in vastly different guises. Each group will have a different interest in energy and  will therefore need to be motivated  in a different way.

 Senior management One of the main motivations  of senior management is to improve  the organization's performance,  and if it is a public company, to increase profits.

Senior management will consider exactly what will happen to the energy savings achieved, and how these savings  will benefit the organization. the energy manager?s aim here is to draw a comparison between ?before? and ?after? situations. You must demonstrate to senior management how the organization has benefited from energy efficiency measures.

 The energy manager must describe how savings have been achieved, whether through tariff negotiation, investment in specific energy-efficiency measures  or through better management.  This information should be quantified and presented to senior management as a leverage to gain better support or more funding  for energy management activities. Other important motivations for senior management are good corporate citizenship, where adopting an energy-conscious strategy enhances the public image of the business, and environmental obligations. Departmental managers Make departmental budget holders responsible for controlling energy costs. Strive to convince senior management that any savings  on the energy budget should be retained by the budget holders,  who will then have a motivation  to reduce energy consumption. General staff When trying to motivate general staff, there are several tacks you  can take to highlight the benefits  of energy efficiency.

You may decide  to explain how energy savings may lead to improved job security,  or improved working procedures  or conditions.

 Monetary benefits  for employees could be more direct through special incentive payments or through sharing the savings achieved. Some may benefit by adopting an ?energy efficiency ethic? and practicing energy-saving measures outside of work.  Others might even be motivated  by a general commitment to the organization and its objectives,  while others may gain a personal sense of achievement just through seeing the results. Environmental considerations will, for many, be as significant as  saving money.

 Information on the environmental impact of energy use can make a lasting impression on employees. Therefore, calculate the impact of your energy saving on CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Present this in terms of climate change and the greenhouse effect.

 Employee motivation to save energy is more likely to be driven by helping the environment, than by saving their employer money.  

Also consider whether your organization could donate a proportion of its energy savings to charity. If a department saves on its energy budget, staff could nominate a charity to which some of this surplus is donated. It is important for the success of an energy management strategy to raise staff motivation and awareness to save energy.

One way to achieve  this is to suggest that energy management at home, at work,  and in their transport habits is the single largest contribution they can make to be ?green? and benefit  the environment

Here are another some answers for example :-

Turning Off the Lights

• It saves me money

• It helps reduce global warming

• It saves energy 

• It?s the moral thing to do

• People I care about are doing it

• It makes you feel good about yourself

• Other people approve when I do.?

Turning Down the Thermostat in Winter

• It saves me money

• It reduces global warming

• It saves energy  • It?s the moral thing to do

• People I care about are doing it

• It makes me feel good about myself

• Other people approve when I do it.?

Raise the Thermostat in Summer or Use Less Air Conditioning

• It saves me money

• It reduces global warming

• It saves energy

• It?s the moral thing to do

• People I care about are doing it

• It makes me feel good about myself

• Other people approve when I do it.?

Use Public Transportation or Car Pool

*The same reasons.


?Walk or bike instead of drive.

• It saves me money

• It reduces global warming

• It saves energy

• It is good for your own or someone else?s health

• It?s the moral thing to do

• People I care about are doing it

• It makes me feel good about myself

• Other people approve when I do it.?