How to protect ourselves from atmospheric particulate matterby Justin Chung | 21-03-2017 23:54 |
In my previous report I briefly highlighted the growing problems surrounding atmospheric particulate matter of South Korea. Its becoming a definite problem in our society and raises many health concerns for average citizens.
Unfortunately the South Korean government has not been successful in finding meaningful resolution to atmospheric particulate matter dilemma.
In the meantime we must find ways to protect ourselves from the particulates exposure in our area. Here are some examples.
(Korean government announce 4 times a day)
PM10 - 0~30 : Good, 31~80 : Normal, 81~150 : Bad, 151~ : Extremely Bad PM2.5 - 0~15 : Good, 16~50 : Normal, 51~100 : Bad, 101~ : Extremely Bad
*In case particulate matter measurement is Bad or Extremely Bad - Best to stay indoor and keep windows closed - Drink plenty of water to keep your skin tears flowing well and prevent dehydration