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by | 22-03-2017 23:28

Atmospheric particulate matter – also known as particulate matter (PM) or particulates – are the complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets that get into the air that causes pollution of the atmosphere. This complex mixture comprises of dust, pollen, smoke, and liquid droplets. These particles vary greatly in size, composition, and origin and it causes hazardous effect on our health.

Arid dry climate of UAE

UAE being an arid country with average annual rain fall of less than 12 cm, the non-existence of forests and high humidity level, severity of APM is very high.  PM especially PM2.5 remain suspended in the atmosphere for prolonged times.

Primary pollutants

 Quartz, calcite and gypsum and sea salts are the main pollutants during dusty days in UAE. Natural sources such as sea salts and crustal materials also contribute to PM2.5 causing greater concern for human health because these smaller particles can penetrate more deeply into the lungs causing extensive damage.

Health Hazards

Children and the elderly are the worst affected due to the detrimental health effects caused by ozone, particulate matter and other toxins. COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is one of the many diseases caused by air pollution. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are the most common COPDs in UAE.

Human activities

Increasing number of human activities, motor vehicle fleet, presence of large power stations, oil and gas refineries, ongoing construction and demolition activities in UAE has definitely elevated the concentrations of APM. Nitrogen oxide, usually released in the combustion of fossil fuels, and ground-level ozone, or smog, which is formed when some chemicals released from human activities react with substances already in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight also causes increase in the level of particulates in the atmosphere.


But the silver lining to the cloud is there are ways to remove pollutants from the atmosphere. We need to understand the source of particulates. It is recommended by the civic body to set up a framework within which local governments, research bodies and industries that contribute to pollution coordinate their efforts to share data.

 Use of cleaner fuels and the installation of pollution-reducing technologies are one of the solutions to APM. Scrubbers eliminate particulates, SO2, hydrogen sulfide, and other pollutants from waste gases as they pass through a solution before leaving the smokestack of coal-firing and other plants. Baghouses, enclosed structures that run emissions through filter bags like we do with a vacuum cleaner, they collect more than 98% of dry particulates. Technologies are being developed in UAE that will reduce power-plant emissions even more. One exciting new technology is that of gasification, which has been tested but has not yet been used in a full-scale power plant. Gasification produces clean coal, which is more efficient and produces far fewer emissions than normal coal.

As environmentalists we all know the solution to all the atmospheric challenges but the need of the hour is long term actions and commitments by the society as a whole. Before large changes in society can be made, people will need to make changes in their attitudes.  Every problem encompasses some scientific reason behind it which people should understand and they should choose their life style based on their gained knowledge. Individuals need to do what they can by reducing their carbon footprint. With environment education, coupled with hope and determination, young people will play a major role in implementing the change.,,, National News