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by Yvonne Wabai | 11-03-2017 05:16

When it comes to environmentalism, things can get quite complicated. That doesn't mean that there aren't some simple ways in which we can all participate. Below are some simple ways to conserve resources.

1. Walk or bike instead of driving. If the distance you need to cover is walkable or bikeable, then consider walking or cycling there instead of driving.

2. Carpooling.

3. Using public transport.

4. Drink tap water instead of bottled water.

5. Take shorter showers.

6. Turn off the tap/shower when not in use.

7. Turn off lights when not in use.

8.Use both sides of the paper when printing.

9. Recycle and re-use materials that can be recycled and re-used e.g. plastic bags, paper bags, bottles, mason jars and other containers, e.t.c.

10. Use electric fans instead of air conditioners.

11. Do your laundry when you have a full load. Air dry your laundry, where possible.

12. Use energy-saving bulbs (they're way cheaper than regular bulbs and they conserve energy).

13. Unplug appliances that are not currently in use.

14. Use non-disposable utensils.

15. Use solar lighting and heating systems whenever possible. You'll be surprised at how affordable they are. Also, they considerably reduce your electricity bill.