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Recreation of extinct species

by | 05-03-2017 17:31

Wooly mammoths are in the news again. According to the source,they are on verge of resurrection.  The prompt for this was a statement by the haward geneticist Goerge chuch. But if these extinct creature are created back,will they really be mammoth? And even this happend,is it a good idea to bring this species back from dead?? Wolly mammoths would not be the 1st animal to revived after having been wiped.  The worlds 1st re-extinct animal was born in 2003 in lab in spain. It was a wild type of mountain goat called 'bucardo'.
   But what i think about it is, if it is possible,then it might cause inbalance in the nature  ,as they were selected by nature to be extinct. This type of experiment might cause hazards in the presnt species of earth.