Hie guys, How are you all? I am doing good, very very busy and tired... Yesterday, on the 22nd of February, I did the 2nd Save your nature conference in the 4th A class of 56th school in Asaka district. It went very well and I really liked it. In the 3rd A class of the 57th school, there were 41 students, but there were only 25 students in one class, which gave me more opportunities to have fun and let others to speak up better. I only planned to do about 4 main activities at first, but these kiddos were very interested so we kept on going and playing more games. I didnt know anyone in this class so I found out a fun way of meeting with them. I have been learning German for 3 days and I learned a very easy song which helps you get to know each other. I sang that song and wrote it down to the blackboard: Ich, ich, ich, Me, me, me Du, du, du, You, you, you Ich hei?e Xilola, My name is Xilola Du bist du? What is yours? We met each other and I divided them into 3 groups. I wanted to get it done as a contest. In the 1st and 3rd group, there were 8 participants, in the 2nd group, there were 9 participants. To tell the truth, I didnt remember all of their names. To start it up, I gave 1 question to each group. The 1st and 2nd group members got good answers, but the 3rd group said that Nature can not live without us. I read good information about air pollution and gave questions to see if they understood it. I read about water pollution next and gave questions again. I gave 1 point for each right answer and took 1 point for the lousy voices which were made by students. I asked questions from each group and got satisfiable answers) I taught them the translation of some words such as water, sun, earth, air, nature and fire. I asked 1 representative from each team to come up and write the words without looking at them. I wanted to check their spelling skills. None of them wrote the word Earth correctly, but it wadnt difficult for anyone to write the other ones rightly. When I lived in America, I won a inflatable ball with the pictures of rare animals which are dying in different parts of the world. I made it easier for them and told them to play the game in Uzbek. In order to win, you had to tell the names of places (countries, cities, villages, districts and .....) I called 1 participant from each group and explained that they had 5 seconds to find a country. I started up throwing the ball with my Motherland's name, Uzbekistan. It was kept with names of places such as Nukus (one of the 12 regions of Uzbekistan), Suriya (Syria), Andijan (region in Uzbekistan), Namangan (region in Uzbekistan), Navkan (village in Asaka district of Andijan region in Uzbekistan) and so on... We found out the winner and moved on to the next game. The next game was ... Well, I dont know how to call it, but it was fun. You have to count numbers and when it comes to the number 3 or numbers which can be divided into 3, you clap. So, like this: 1 2 (clap) 4 5 (clap) 7 8 (clap) 10 11 (clap) (clap) ...... until 30. But no one could reach this number. Then, an English teacher rated the best pictures drawn for the mini contest i have announced at the beginning. The winners were 2 beautiful girls who drew and decorated their pictures very interesting. At the end, the 1st group had 6 points, the second group had 9 points and the last group had 12 points. I talked about land pollution and how we can prevent our earth from being polluted for a long time and asked 1 representative from each team for the final question, which will give 6 points. First group answered the question well and got +6 points at the end. The members of second group asked for another chance and I gave questions to groups again. Finally, the first group got 16 points, second group got 14.5 points and the 3rd group got 18 points. I awarded the 3rd group members with booklets and leaflets. I gave 1 booklet to the members of the 1st group and gave only 1 business card for the members of 2nd group. I told them that now, they had to call me and give ideas about how I should do my other conferences. The most exciting part prolonged for about 30 or more minutes - The Awarding Ceremony. I had 5 Eco-pens, 3 beautifully decorated papers to write on and 1 booklet which I bought from America. I asked everyone who thinks that he-she deserves the prize to come up. The other students who were sitting (secretly) voted for 5 best students who were about to receive the pens. And they did... 2 students got out of the selection process and the 3 girls received their decorated notepads. The most exciting part was choosing the Best Participant of the conference. A girl named Maftuna was the receiver of the American booklet) I thanked everyone for attending and called them for a group photo. After the busy students left, there were about 15 stydents who wanted to talk to me solely. They wanted to become ambassadors too and hearing that, I let them wear my ambassador t-shirt. We took so many pictures and selfies. It was an amazing experience for me and the students of 4th A class.
Thank you for reading. This report was written on 23rd of February
First pic 4th A class of school #56 2nd pic Future ambassadors to Uzbekistan 3rd pic The most active participant 4th pic The 3 best participants 5th pic The winners of the drawing contest 6th pic Participants of the draeing contest 7th pic Place naming game