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Environmental Awareness Programme

by | 23-02-2017 13:23

I have conducted an awareness programme on Cleaner Production, two days back for the university students. The reason for choosing the university to conduct this programme is, as many countries, institutes and personnel, my university also struggle with waste problem. They spend much more money on waste disposal. Therefore, I expected to conduct my environmental awareness programme by addressing this issue. 

On that day, we found many waste types generating at the university premises and found the waste causes behind them. Many options were discussed to prevent/ minimise the waste generation and I guided them to evaluate the feasibility of the options generated.

I am very happy that my effort is successful because they  (undergraduates) have informed me that they were started to implement some options that we were discussed on that day to minimise/ prevent the waste generation and in parallel to that they have started to recycle the paper waste as well.