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Admirable Environmentalist - ILLAC DIAZ

by Neha Swaminathan | 20-02-2017 01:54

Illac Diaz, a Philippino national, aged 44 years is an admirable environmentalist and social entrepreneur. From Peru to the Philippines, his NGO Liter of Light has already helped 382,000 Filipinos, and 690,000 people throughout the world, to get free lighting in an innovative manner. His clever lighting concept is open technology, copyright free and unbelievably simple. The lighting is made out of recycled plastic bottles which brings light to poor areas without relying on traditional and centralized energy providers such as coal, nuclear or even hydro plants. He founded Myshelter Foundation in 2006, the organization operating Liter of Light today.


Liter of Light is a global, grassroots movement committed to providing affordable, sustainable solar light to people with limited or no access to electricity. Through a network of partnerships around the world, Liter of Light volunteers teach marginalized communities how to use recycled plastic bottles and locally sourced materials to illuminate their homes, businesses and streets. Liter of Light has installed more than 350,000 bottle lights in more than 15 countries and taught green skills to empower grassroots entrepreneurs at every stop. Liter of Light's open source technology has been recognized by the UN and adopted for use in some UNHCR camps. Liter of Light is the proud recipient of the 2015 Zayed Future Energy Prize and a winner of the 2014-2015 World Habitat Award.



A Liter of Light is what you get when you take a 1.5 – 2liter recycled plastic bottle (PET bottle), fill it with distilled water and 10ml of bleach to prevent algae growth. Using contact cement, that bottle of water is easily installed in makeshift wood or tin roofs found in marginalized communities around the world. Sunlight, refracted by the water provides 100% passive solar light, equivalent to a 55-watt light bulb for homes with limited or no access to electricity.



Liter of Light @Night upgrades the DAYlight bottle with a micro solar panel, rechargeable battery and an LED diode for an additional 10 hours of light at night.



The Liter of Light Streetlight uses a slightly larger solar panel and rechargeable battery to light up to 4 LED bulbs protected by the elements inside a dry recycled plastic bottle. By mounting the hardware and bottle on PVC pipes, streetlights are made which illuminate dark streets, alleys and plazas for safer communities less susceptible to crime and violence. The streetlight can run for three consecutive nights without recharging.