Food and grain lossesby | 12-02-2017 02:11 |
![]() Behind every single grains, there is a story of a successful farmer. It is said that once in a life, you may need a doctor ,engineer,teacher but every day,three times a day,you need a farmer. Then why not to worth such a hardwork? Food losses it refers to the decrese in edible food grain throughout the different segments of food supply chains -production,post harvest handling ,agro processing and distribution and consumption. Food losses have direct and indirect effect on food security and food availability of poor people. It not only effects the economy ,but also results on starvation. According to the research of FAO. 1).Roughly,1/3 of food produced in the world for human consumption every year -approximately 1.3 billion tones gets wasted. 2). Fruits and vegetables,plus root tubes have the highest wastage of foods. 3). Every year in rich countries waste as much food as the entire net food production of sub sahara africa. 4). The amount of food lost or wastage every year is equivalent to more the half of the annual cereal crop production. 5).In developed countries, 40% losses occur at post harvest stage. 6).The food currently lossed in latin america may feed 300 million people. 7).global quanties of food lost every year is ,30 %of cereals,40_50% of root crops,fruits and vegetables. 20 % for oil seed ,meat,35% for fish. Well hunger kills more than ebola,but its not considered a significant problem since rich people can't die of starvation. Waste not a single thing created, then why food grains ? Every single grain is gift from mother earth and food security is necessary for efficient utilisation of food grains. Proper food security,distribution channels and consumption pattern may minimize the problem of starvation at world wide level. Let everyday be world day against food wastage.while wasting food, once think of those people who are suffering from food crisis and starvation. Starvation is not a sin,but the parent of modern crime. It is necessary to uproot this problem through joint effort of people. I belive in weapon of grains against the war of starvation. I still believe in amber waves of grain,then why not you ??? Lets not waste the blessing of mother earth as all people of this world are not lucky enough to be blessed. SAVE FOOD GRAINS,SAVE LIFE !