Conservation Tillageby Prayash Pathak (Chalise) | 26-01-2017 17:53 |
Tillage is a mechanical manipulation of soil to provide favorable condition for crop production. Soil tillage consists of breaking the compact surface of earth to a certain depth and to loosen the soil mass, so as to enable the roots of the crops to penetrate and spread into the soil. Tillage may be called the practice of modifying the state of soil to provide favorable conditions for plant growth. Tillage is a must needed operation to perform so that the growth of the crop can be ensured. Though tillage needs to be done but the conventional tillage( traditional method of tillage) has very harsh effect on the environment. It causes excessive ploughing of the soil that makes the soil prone to soil erosion. So the chances of landslide and erosion are very likely in such soil. Also the loss of nutrient and organic matter is very high here. So the need of use of chemical fertilizers is a must. The alternative of such tillage is Conservation tillage. It is a scientifically developed modern method of soil manipulation that can cope with all the hazard of conventional one. Conservation tillage provides the best opportunity for halting degradation and for restoring and improving soil productivity. In recent years interest in conservation tillage systems has increased in response to the need to limit erosion and promote water conservation. Conservation tillage, by most definitions, embraces crop production systems involving the management of surface residues. According to the Conservation Technology Information Center in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, conservation tillage is defined as: "any tillage or planting system in which at least 30% of the soil surface is covered by plant residue after planting to reduce erosion by water or where soil erosion by wind is the primary concern, with at least 1120 kg ha-1 flat small grain residue on the surface during the critical wind erosion period." No tillage, minimum tillage, reduced tillage and mulch tillage are terms synonymous with conservation tillage. The reasons for current interest in conservation tillage vary from soil to soil, crop to crop, and from one agro-ecological region to another. According to Greenland, the no-till system of cultivation with crop residue mulches forms a basis for conservation hand sustains economic productivity. In addition, there are savings in machinery investment and in the time required for seedbed preparation report that retaining crop residues on the soil surface with conservation tillage reduces evapo-transpiration, increases infiltration rates, and suppresses weed growth. So all this shows that conventional tillage is a must adaptable system of crop plantation and it must be promoted for the conservation of the environment. |