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Seasonal issues in Uganda

by | 27-01-2017 21:08

In Uganda, the seasons  are not that unbearable. All year round Uganda has specific seasons which are consistent throughout the year. The weather in Uganda is great due to the elevation that is location next to Lake Victoria which is the largest lake in Africa and also its location on the Equator.  Uganda has both long and short rainy seasons but however the rain is not that heavy and in most cases it rains very early in the morning and at night. The short rainy seasons are between April to and long rainy seasons are between Septembers to November, both seasons are accompanied by heavy thunderstorms. But here in Uganda it cannot rain for more than 4 hours, it rains stops and then the sun sprouts out to shine up the days.

In January it is always hot and during the day the temperatures rises up to 31 degrees and at night it is always 25 degrees Celsius. How warm!

Some parts of the country for example the northern side of Uganda is hot and it rarely receives the rains that are received in the other regions of the country. The western part of the country is so cold compared to any other side of the country.

During the dry season, there is a lot of dust that cause a lot of lung related diseases. However during the rainy season there is a lot of mad on marram roads, flooding of open drainage channels and breeding of disease causing pests.

In 2016, it was not easy to predict the seasons and this has affected a lot of people and there is drought in some parts of the country. The farmers were also unable to get yields due to changes in seasons. This has brought challenges like food insecurity in various parts of the country.  

In Uganda the sun rises at 6: 30 am and it sets at 7pm.

January is a hot season but it is really so hot here this month. It seems like the temperatures have risen and they are still rising. Dust everywhere, hotness, drying of green spaces. Everything is in terrible conditions. Ever since the year started, it has rained twice in the central region. So if it has only rained twice in the central region, I wonder how hot it is in the northern part of the country which receives little or no rainfall throughout the year.

But however, the seasons are not that bad in comparison to what I found out when I went to Egypt. It was totally a different pattern, the sun sets so early. At around 5pm the sun is nowhere to be seen. The place is covered with darkness! One can only feel warm and do the sun bathing between 11 am and 12: 30pm. the rest of the hours are filled with mild coldness. At night it becomes worse off, one has to put on a jumper from 12:30 pm until the next morning. This kind of weather was so unfavorable for me since in Uganda we have 12 hours of sun! On my 12 hour Journey from Cairo to Aswan in a bus, I could not see any trees apart from the vast deserts! This was something new to me, my Egyptian friends told me that they have never seen a natural forest! This was surprising I could not imagine! I realized Uganda is indeed the ?pearl of Africa?.