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A Field Trip to Lumajang

by Dewi Retno S | 20-01-2017 22:01

Last months, in November 2016, I did a field trip to Lumajang Solid Waste Final Disposal Site. Lumajang is regency in East Java, which is about 150 km from Surabaya City. Lumajang was chosen for our destination because the new Solid Waste Final Disposal Site has been completed and begins operation.

In Indonesia, the composition of solid waste is mostly food waste. In addition, waste separation only occurs in some communities. This leads to waste in Indonesia has high water content. Therefore, landfill was selected as the most compatible Solid waste Final Disposal Site. Technology such as incinerator would be waste of money because the combustion temperature has to be higher due to the low calorific value.

The trip to the Lumajang Solid Waste Final Disposal Site was quite stressful. From the main road, we have to go through rise and down with narrow width road. Lumajang Solid Waste Final Disposal Site is located quite far from the main road. Of course there are no people who want to live next door to Solid Waste Final Disposal Site, right?

Lumajang Solid Waste Final Disposal Site is sanitary landfill type. Waste transported by truck will be weighed then entered into the accumulation zone. Because this is a sanitary landfill, then the waste will be covered with soil daily. These prevent the spread of odors, the incidence of flies, and reduce infiltration when it rains. Beside the accumulation zones are leachate treatment stabilization ponds and wetland. There was also a sludge treatment plant, but not yet operational.

