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Seychelles "Under Immediate Threat from Climate Variability"- Angelique Pouponneau

by | 14-01-2017 04:52

Angelique Pouponneau a young Lawyer and activist, is the co-founded SIDS Youth AIMS Hub- Seychelles and also the vice-chairperson for inclusion and engagement in the Commonwealth Youth Council. She is the first Seychellois recipient of the Queens Young Leader Award which she received in 2016 and is currently doing her Masters in the UK. She shared her thoughts on some issues about climate change including the outcome of COP22 and the situation of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

First, tell us about your role at the Commonwealth Youth Council?

I'm the vice-chairperson for inclusion and engagement in the Commonwealth Youth Council. My general role relates more to recruitment. However as I co-founded an NGO in the Seychelles, that deals with youth-led projects to promote sustainable development. I am the person dealing who is responsible for working with the CYCN in the Executives.

What's the NGO? 

SYAH- Seychelles        

Talking about SYAH-Seychelles, it's quite popular among the SIDS tell us What have you done with this organization and what your vision is for it?

Well it started quite small and unofficially in mid-2014 but we are well-known NGO among key stakeholders but most importantly with young people. Our three big achievements for 2016 has been the "A Seychelles Free from plastic bags? campaign that led to a change in law, the blue economy internship programme and the inclusion and participation of members in official delegations for overseas missions related to climate change and blue economy. My vision is that it becomes the platform for young people who want to promote sustainability issues.

How far did you go with achieving your 2016 goals, especially the last two?

Well we started with an ambitious plan but we have to a large extent achieved our goals that related to climate change and the blue economy

When you talk about Blue Economy, what exactly do you mean in a wider scope?

It's the sustainable development of the ocean

How would you rate your government commitment in that area?


How can it be made viable for economic growth and empowerment of young people?

Well it's vast, so there is a lot of economic potential within the ocean and let's always remember today's generation knows more about space than the ocean. So from conservation, reclamation, pharmaceuticals, shipping - the list goes on it can easily be sustainably developed for economic growth

Young people can be part of the move to discover the ocean so we know the untapped potential that lies across the shoreline. Then of course there is sources of employment and enterprise, research and science, technology, and also acting as the moral compass for future generations.


In what ways?

Well we have everything in place - a department dealing ONLY with BE under the Vice-president?s responsibility, international and national efforts

Tell us about the Climate Change workshop/capacity building organized by CYCN for Youths in the SIDS earlier in September?

Well essentially it was a practical interactive training to prepare youth from the Global South to attend COP 22

Did it achieve the aim?

I think so

Someone from the SIDS was elected as the Global South focal point for YOUNGO during the COP 22. What does this mean to you and your work?

It's an accomplishment and an opportunity to seize for all SIDS. I think as the geographical group that has the most to lose - existence- it is ideal and apt to have someone from SIDS and the Global South as the focal point for YOUNGO

What more will the CYCN be looking at?

I'm not an executive of the CYCN so I'm not in a position to speak on their behalf .

Okay. Let's talk about the SIDS, are there improvements in the threatened situation of SIDS following the Paris Agreement last year?

In my opinion, Paris was just a drop in the ocean as to what is required to improve the threatened situation of SIDS. So it was positive but it can't end there

Did COP22 help?

Again - it's moving slowly while the waters are moving in quickly in the Indian Ocean and Pacific in particular.

Is Seychelles under immediate threat?

Depends if you mean submersion or the effects of climate change. In terms of submersion, our granitic mountains for our granitic islands will provide some resilience for some time however we are under immediate threat to climate variability, coastal erosion (80% of our settlement and infrastructure are along the coast) so although people will not be displaced immediately we continue to tackle with the effects of climate change.

One of the major issues in the last seven COPs has been climate finance. What is your thought about the $100 billion Green Climate Fund till 2020?

I often wonder whether we will ever reach the target. I think it is a valiant effort at climate justice but I remain skeptical.

Just before the last question, is Seychelles embracing clean energy?

Yes. We have the same issue as everywhere else with clean energy and that's because its frequency varies but in the tropics we have sun and wind so we have wind and solar farms in place as well as other schemes whereby loans with low interest rates to facilitate individuals to invest solar energy for their homes

The government gives the loans? How popular is solar in your country?

The Banks, some of them government owned, provide the loans. Solar is picking up.

Finally, what are you looking out for in 2017?

UN conference on oceans is my big focus at the moment    


What are you expecting from that?

A roadmap to achieve SDG14 and really identifying my position in it all professionally

Thank you so much for your time Angelique, much appreciated. Have a great new year.

Thank you so much for your time Angelique, much appreciated. Have a great new year.

Thanks Udeh.