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by Yvonne Wabai | 07-01-2017 22:08

I spent the last two weeks of December touring rural Kenya to see what green strides have been made there. I travelled to Nyabiosi, located in Nyaribari Chache constituency, Kisii county, and Nginda, located in Maragua consituency, Murang'a county. Both Nyabiosi and Nginda have agriculture are their primary economic activity so there's a lot of farmland in these areas. In both areas, terracing and inter-cropping were evident. Livestock were mostly kept in sheds (for cows, goats and sheep) and coops (for poultry). In Nginda, some of the residents had taken up fish farming. However, they had little success in the endeavour and most of them had given up along the way. It was in Nginda also that I noted that some of the residents were using biogas for electricity, cooking and heating. Rainwater collection is very common in rural Kenya, as was evident in both Nyabiosi and Nginda. An interesting fact to note is that recycling and re-using are very common practices in rural Kenya. In both Nyabiosi and Nginda, waste produced by households is often recycled and/or re-used, especially with plastic products. Because I visited in December, I got a chance to see a variety of fruits and vegetables begin to bloom. There's also a lot of tree coverage in rural Kenya. Below are a few of the photos I took.