Peat lands in Indonesiaby Dewi Retno S | 10-12-2016 14:12 |
Peat land is composed of soil output from trees decomposition that is not perfect and waterlogged. Peat lands have a high organic content. Because of the decomposition of the trees, the pH value of peat is acidic.
Peat forest is a habitat for rare plants and animals. Peat land forests have the ability to store carbon and water. In addition, shredded peat forests function for flood prevention and seawater intrusion.
Indonesia itself has extensive peat lands with 20.6 million hectares, or approximately 10.8% of the land area of Indonesia. 35% of them are located on Sumatra. However, many of peat lands in Indonesia are converted into palm oil plantations and pulp. Not to mention the fire of peat lands when dry season.
As peat rescue efforts, Badan Restorasi Gambut (Peat Restoration Agency) is cooperating with experts from UGM. They will make the rescue guide map peat lands estimated to be completed early in 2017. This map will serve as a technical guide to prevent the risk of fire in the dry season. Sources: |