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[April Free Report] Environmental Management Instruments in the Peruvian Mining Sector

by Anghy Aquino | 22-04-2023 22:39

Environmental management instruments are documents that mining companies must submit in order to obtain an environmental certification that allows them to carry out exploration, exploitation, and other mining activities. These documents describe and analyze the impact that the exploration, exploitation, or mining activity will have on the surrounding areas and the environment. There are different types of environmental management instruments that mining companies must submit, depending on the degree of impact that their activities will cause. Among these are:

Declaración de impacto ambiental (DIA). Category I. Environmental Impact Statement. This environmental management instrument must be submitted by companies that will develop exploration projects that generate slight negative environmental impacts.

Estudio de impacto ambiental semidetallado (EIA-sd). Category II. Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study. This must be submitted by companies that will carry out exploration projects that generate moderate negative environmental impacts in quantitative or qualitative terms.

Estudio de impacto ambiental detallado (EIA-d). Category III. Detailed Environmental Impact Study. This type of environmental management instrument is required for mining projects that will cause significant negative environmental impacts, either because of their size or location.

Example of what is contained in an environmental impact study:

Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. EIA Leaching Platform 4B Project (PAD 4B).

*Executive Summary          

*Citizen Participation Plan

*Chapter 1 - Introduction

*Chapter 2 - Background and Legal Framework

*Chapter 3 - Description of the Project Area - Socio-environmental Baseline 

*Chapter 4 - Project Description

*Chapter 5 - Environmental and Social Impacts Analysis

*Chapter 6 - Environmental Management Plan

*Chapter 7 - Community Relations Plan

*Chapter 8 - Alternatives Analysis

*Chapter 9 - Conceptual Closure Plan

*Chapter 10 - Cost Benefit Analysis 

*Chapter 11 - List of Specialists

*Chapter 12 - Bibliography




The environmental management instruments are tools used to identify and analyze the impact that a mining project may have on the environment and thus develop preventive measures and control plans to mitigate this negative impact as much as possible.

Reference materials:

Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental de Proyectos Mineros: Sistema de Licenciamiento, Regulaciones Ambientales Específicas; Inspección, Monitoreo y Cumplimiento; Planes de Cierre de Faenas. ESDA | Estudio de Desempeño Ambiental. (2016, August 19). Retrieved April 22, 2023, from

Sociedad Minera cerro verde S.A.A. Eia Proyecto Plataforma de Lixiviación 4B (pad 4B). Ministerio de Energía y Minas - Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A. EIA Proyecto Plataforma de Lixiviación 4B (PAD 4B) - Asuntos Ambientales Mineros. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2023, from