Curving Youth for Think Thank with MUNby Prakriti Dhakal | 27-11-2016 12:28 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Curving youth in a new way and form with innovative ideas, synonymous work of art, which is carved in stone forever. And we moved with bold belief of "We can", Youth Thinkers Society-Pokhara, Nepal. 'To save environment and to clean youths mind'. YTS organized a program to nominate new members to increase its outreach and today I am proud to say whole Pokhara was in a single room, the long waited moment of applicants and YTS family. After a successful interview of each delegate final orientation took place in Pokhara Engineering Campus, Pokhara, Nepal (2017/11/26) total short-listed 38 delegates were there from diverse field and society. The session was for 4 hours where we did an introduction session, which was unique, along with name they were requested to say, ? What will you do if you got a magical hands?? Answers were beyond expectations, "I will increase my leadership skills" "I will make the whole world pollution free" "I will make all the people to be a positive thinkers" "I will go to the past so that I can improve my mistakes" "I will make my own home a library world" "I will improve my hand writings" "I will make the world cancer free with improvements in medicine" "I will make NEPAL best country in the world" "I will collect all the powers of youth in my hand and do its proper utilization" "I will make hospitals in every nook and corner of NEPAL so the rural wont be deprived of medical cure" "I am capable of myself, I don?t need any magical power as I belive in hard work" "I will replace PM of Nepal by me" "I will control my emotions" "I will make Kathmandu pollution free" "I will be the president of this unique organization YTS" "I will replace the prime ministers of USA and UK" "I will make all people life style in a green way" "I will make Nepal corruption and pollution free" Those were the wishes, and I hope it will convert into reality their wishes symbolized their thought and feelings. You can, you should, and if you?re brave enough to start, you will. The next session was about work division for high school MUN, (form was opened for the volunteers in high school MUN) where numbers of high school were listed for high school MUN campaign where respective volunteers will have easy access to conduct. The most interesting part of the seminar was the third session where we did a couple division through lucky draw and we let them to know as much as they can in 5 minutes from their lucky draw partners, the main motive for that is to let them understand each other more to make fruitful result during work. They were requested to write to their partners,? What they need to make their life happy?? The next, thanking them for their valuable time for us and for showing curiosity in Volunteering, as very few knows what volunteering is. It is the way of satisfaction and kindest way of happiness because of the single us someone will get enough food to eat, someone will know how to cope with disasters, someone will get clothes to hide their sorrows and someone will know they is at least one in the world who cares them. Then come sessions: MUN orientation to let them learn, what is MUN, What we do in MUN, Why we joined MUN and different rules and procedures of MUN. The agenda was, CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS MITIGATION. Since the pen for their creative writing was from TUNZA eco-generation they were more curious about it, with no single loss of seconds we let them know the great endeavors of Eco-gen, an elite platform for children and youth saving environment and We promised to work together to save mother world from human disaster. |