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Environmental impacts of improper agricultural practice

by prayash pathak | 25-11-2016 21:08

It ia an well known fact that environmental condition severly affect agricultural practices. But the fact that agricultural practices have also severe effect in the environment has not been enlighten so much. I myself being an agricultural student, felt the need of describing these facts to you guys. Agriculture affects the global flow of greenhouse gases.The GHG emitted by agricultural practice has shown second most negative effect after the GHG emitted by the use of fossil fuel. The main reason to destroy forest land is to obtain agricultural land. Similarly paddy cultivation is responsible for 40% of global methane emission. Ruminanat livestock bring about 15% of global methane emission. Similarly use of pesticide and chemical fertilizers are the main cause of environmental pollution. These are some common known effect on environment and some other effect of improper agricultural practices affecting environment are explained below:
a) Use of GMO: Genetically modified organism are being extensively used in the field of agriculture. These plant are resistant herbicide tolerant and their overuse has created herbicide resistant ?super- weed?. This has created an ultimate increase in use of hazardous herbicide. Similarly, increasing use of GMO is causing danger of extinction of local climate change resiatant hardy varieties. 
b) Irrigation: Wrong Irrigation can lead to a number of environmental problems. Some of these are: rising of ground water level, increase in water salinity, pollution of ground water by fertilizers and chemical additive that move deep with irrigation water, increasing trace element in ground water, soil more prone to soil erosion, etc. Also excessive irrigation on agricultural land can lead to desertification of soil.
c) Soil degradation: Soil degradation simply means the decline of soil quality that results of many factors, especially from agriculture. Common effect in soil resulting from improper agricultural practices are: salting, water logging, compaction, pesticide contamination, decline of soil structure, loss of soil fertility, soil erosion and change in soil ph level. Soil degradation also effects microbial community of soil and this alters the nutrient cycling, pest and disease control and other properties of soil.
d) Waste: Farmers use plastic sheet as mulch to allow better control of soil nutrients and moisture. The use of pesticide with plastic sheets allows easy surface runoff of chemicals to water sources, thus promoting degradation of auatic life.
e) Soil tillage: Wrong tillage without any concern of soil quality causes soil erosion. This not only causes soil degradation but also pollutes water sources. Cultivation in natural ecosystem has caused a marked decrease in soil Carbon storage that is increasing climate change all over the world.
Control measures:
Modern agricultural practices even though are increasing the yield of crops but are severly affecting the environment. For this reason a new technique of Sustainable Agriculture has been developed which promotes environment friendly agriculture and is supported by many countries. Sustainable Agriculture has three major objectives: good agricultural practice, organic agriculture and precision agriculture. It also promotes the use of bio- fertilizers, crop rotation including nitrogen fixing legumes cropand land fallowing. It focuses on making agriculture environment friendly, ecologically suitable and economically just. And to obtain the dream of unpolluted air, water and soil along with clean, beautiful and green surrounding, Sustainable Agriculture is the only way.