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National Geographic Indonesia: Aquifer

by Dewi Retno S | 18-11-2016 23:34

I do not read too many books about environment. So here I'm going to tell you about an article in a magazine that is already well known, National Geographic, about the environment. Although rarely buy books, I'm interested in buying the magazine because one of the article's title. Aquifer.


Overview: Until the Last Drop


In the western part of Kansas, to be exact Ogallala Aquifer were experienced a rapid derivation. The aquifer was charged for 15000 years. But in the last 60 years, water in the aquifer is pumped out and not equal with the speed of infiltration. Although in 2015 there were heavy rains, the water level is not increased. Ogallala itself is the most productive agricultural land in the world.


Not only the type of plants that consume a lot of water which causes depression in the aquifer. The entry of electricity in 1950 made farmers use centrifugal pumps and pumping out water on large scale. This makes agricultural land increased by 850,000 ha in 1949 to 6.2 million ha in 2005 (an increase of over 700%). Now farmers are faced with the option to reduce the use of ground water to prolong the life of the aquifer.


There are 8 states in the top of the Ogallala Aquifer. However, restrictions on the use of water is very difficult, because water is a public right. Some believe that the groundwater could be taken as much as possible until exhausted. As a result of the depression of the aquifer, the farmers began to sell their land for wind turbines.


My Opinion


I know that crops such as corn are voracious water. Corn demand in the market not only for human consumption, but also to make animal feed. And I know that plantations in Indonesia are generally still relying on surface water, such as rivers. Indonesia is also a tropical country, so that farmers can adjust the type of crop with the season.


So, I was quite surprised to find out the condition of the Ogallala Aquifer. Depression of aquifer could cause a depression in the ground, because there is no buffer below the soil surface. One of the ways to prevent is by injection into the layer of the aquifer itself. However, given that the people of Texas still in need of water, I think it would be difficult to do so.


The only thing that can be done may indeed by limiting water uptake, so the speed of infiltration of rain or snow could keep up. Make a written law, so that the public can participate to keep the aquifer's level. In addition, it is also necessary to make a law regarding the utilization of aquifer. So the Ogallala Aquifer incident does not occur in other aquifers.

National Geographic Indonesia. 2016. Revolusi DNA. Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia.