Do industries have an enough concern regarding water conservation?by | 12-11-2016 16:54 |
We all know that 3/4th of the world is covered with water. Even though most parts of the earth are covered with water, only few amount of it can be used for human activities. Therefore, water is considered as a scarce resource which should be consumed with a frugality. Sri Lanka has a long history for good water management practices. The best example for our ancient forefathers' water conservation are the huge reservoirs built with the focus of harvesting and storing rain water mainly for agricultural practices. As in the past, agricultural sector has the highest water consumption at present also. Industrial sector also has a considerable amount of water consumption but it is less than agricultural sector. Even though it is important to talk about water consumption and conservation in industrial sector since they apply numerous strategies and very sophisticated technologies for water conservation. Through this article, I hope to cover two different industrial sectors of apparel sector and hotel sector since they are more water intensive sectors within the industrial sector. In recent years, there can be seen a trend of adopting to good environmental practices by apparel sector since there is growing trend of green consumerism. Therefore, most of the garment factories operated in Sri Lanka are committed to assess their water consumption and water saving potential through their activities in order to show their consciousness towards water conservation. A recent study conducted by the Carbon Consulting Company, Sri Lanka, for one of the garment factory with about 3500 employees has been revealed that there is an average of 53000m3 per annum of water consumption is there and the main water consuming areas within a garment factory is kitchen, canteen and washrooms. They committed to reduce their raw water consumption gradually by implementing several strategies such as, aware employees regarding water saving, doing technological changes such as using water efficient fixtures, sensor taps, etc., and improve the efficiency of water treatment plant and reuse that treated water for flushing and gardening activities. Another water intensive sector is hotel sector. A study conducted in one of the five- star hotel operated in Maldives has been revealed that its estimated annual water consumption is 63308m3. The largest water consumption of the resort was observed for the Guest and Host accommodation. Through writing a such kind of article I need to drag the readers' attention towards that, if one organization within a specific industrial sector (apparel sector or hotel sector or any other) consume an average of that much water quantity, how much of water consumption is there around the world and do they (business organizations) implement proper actions to mitigate their water consumption and close their water cycle.