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An Appeal to share My Open Letter to World Leader for All Eco Generation Followers

by | 04-11-2016 15:56

Greetings Eco Gen Ambssadors, Here I would like to share an article that got published in Kaagmadu, an emerging youth magazine .

This is the link to original article is here: An Open Letter To World Leaders On COP22

Please visit the site and Share it so that It reaches maximum audience and hopefully COP leaders as well ^_^ 

Here is the original Piece: 

Dear World Leaders

Warm Greetings

Hope you are doing great there and maybe quite busy as biggest environment and climate change conference is at the door. For me, what do I say. I am fine and I am not.

I probably understand you have been flooded with tons of request and expectation. But hey you ought to be as well for You are World Leader, and your every minute action have butterfly effect at every nook and corner of the world.

Yesterday, I happened to read an article where it wrote "We will loose one fourth of all plants and animals within 100 years if global temperature keeps rising this level." Tears rolled automatically while reading this. Do you want to know why? Because I have memories with one horned Rhino, elephants. I want same memory with my children, grandchildren and many generation to come. I want to see my great grand children cherish Rhododendron on Himalaya, enjoy the blossoms of Bottle Brush, see the dancing of Peacock and still be scared when they see crocodile and hear roar of Lions and Tigers. However, latest scientific claims frighten me if my such nostalgic wish will even last for few more years.

Dear world leaders, while you are enjoying your quality hamburger and freshly grown organic foods, cattle of my region is severely suffering from low yield and heat stress. My family at rural part of South Asia buy packaged milk while still rearing cows. My own pocket got empty when I went to shop for organic spinach. My North American and Autralian friends also  keep complaining how unhealthy their food system has become.Every thing in wrapped up in plastic. Why is this healthy food so expensive? Is my health a luxury? I am afraid my life will soon become not so affordable.

Few weeks back, I read about Obituary of The Great Barrier Reef. I was horrified. All those marine life who depend on coral reef and beautiful art of nature dying by our selfish greed and considering of ocean as sink of all our sins. The pain is really unendurable. It got me thinking while we are having trouble managing political refugees, how on earth are we planning to manage and accommodate millions of Climate Refugee? Oh wait! How selfish I became, we are obliged to manage all those species whose habitat we have ceased forcefully.

Recent Flood hit at Madi while I was on my survey related to Climate Change Adptation

Flood affected area at bank of Rewa River, Madi Chitwan, Nepal. Life of those living near the bank and with low income are left in ashtray when diaster like flood becomes a common part of their life.

One friend from South East Asia messaged me describing her nightmare about coastal flooding and land loss near her home. I cried with her, because I cannot imagine pain of loosing home where we have all our memories encrypted. I have seen a beautiful lake dried permanently. The lake where we had beautiful bio diversity and was an arsenal of all my childhood memories and fun.  Dear World Leader, if you understand what its like to taste sometime defeat, I would like to remind you that such pain is nothing, not even a tips of ice berg of what its really like to loose our home, our neighbor all at once and forever.

While you are 'busy' and 'occupied' intellectually debating on carbon trade and its harmful impact on world economy, giving grandiose speech for the people of world, my fellow South Asian friends are wrestling with floods and erratic rainfall. Meanwhile you are enjoying your early morning coffee on the lawn, my African friends are getting scare of desertification that has already knocked their home and my Costa Rica and Ethiopia friends getting worried about rapidly declining coffee yield. My fellow Latin American friends called me and said about his probable experience of increased evapotrasnpiration and erratic precipitation which will severely effect his livestock business. MY European friends are expressing their concern how climate change is affecting vine phenology and grape composition which are hitting wine industry hard.  For a while, you can still enjoy your sip of  early morning coffee or afternoon wine with beef though. Ouch! Those Amazing and vast carbon-sink Amazon Rainforest. Do I even have to yield a word?

To be very frank, I am naive. I am gullible to science facts and have fervent belief on those scientific claims than on media or political propaganda. I know it sometime makes me vulnerable, I am aware I will be coined 'irrational human being'  speaking economically, but it doesn't bother me. What trouble me is all those failed International Conventions and Treaties and Promises made in front of whole world. I am not used to  of all the existing Climate/Environment rules, rational lies on adapting such treaties, but I am well aware of how much you have been enjoying the loopholes your created yourself, your trick to divert from following what is right and fooling us for all these years and disobeying simple scientific facts supported and claimed by millions of research and 97 percent of Scientist.

Dear World Leader, there are many things to complain about. But I do not want to waste your time. All that I am saying is to manage just an ounce of your time for our tiny planet. Its not that I am pushing you to send me to Mars with million dollars. I am not requesting you to provide me personal privileges . I am demanding you to listen us. Listen closely to voice of ours, listen to us who have head the outcry of our mother nature. I am just encouraging you to save the planet you rule.

This time in COP while you enjoy beautiful city of Morocco and work out on intense negotiation, I hope you will keep up the promises made in Paris, France. Ease adaptation of all those treaties, influence all other friends to ratify it and stop making COP a 'mocking' object. I do hope you will keep us our faith alive in you.

Hoping to getting to see promises made as promises kept.

Yours Global Citizen

Rahul Acharya

On the Behalf of whole world

"Revolution blooms in extreme crisis"