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RWANDA: Singapor or Sillicon Valley of Africa

by | 20-10-2016 08:29

With a surface of 26.338Km2 , Rwanda  is a country of East Africa having a population of 12661733 residents (2015 estimation /Wikipedia). With a high density of almost 456 residents/km2, this country has same borders with OUGADAN, BURUNDI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO and TANZANIA.

To respond to the second topic of the month which stipulate that: ?Please introduce a country or local government (anywhere around the world) that you think best implements transformational strategies for a greener community, and how they are trying to achieve that goal? I have chosen this little unseen country among its borderers nations which is RWANDA because as we often say little things/actions leads to big things/events.

Rwanda is a very notorious country due to some sad events like genocide of Rwanda which cause almost 800000 deaths in suit of an opposition between the government constituted by the ?HUTUS? and the Rwandan Patriotic Front*  accused by the authorities to be essentially ?TUTSI? in 1994.Since 2000,Republic of Rwanda is directed by Paul KAGAME.

Even with all these problems Rwandan political life and also the life still fragile after the genocide, the government and people of Rwanda is working hard to get to the top of the best ecological African countries. All this is proved by the fact that the country has hosted a lot of conferences in environmental protection materials and to be a little more concrete the recent meeting of the international community, after which an agreement was signed on the reduction HFCs which are thought to have 14,000 times more greenhouse effect than CO2.

Note that Kigali, Rwanda's capital is one of the cleanest cities in Africa. This merit is due him because of a number of strategies in line with the environment. Such as the adoption of a law in 2008 which formally prohibits the use and sale of plastic bags in Rwanda and which stipulates that trafficking plastic bags is punishable by imprisonment.

All this seems perfect because of the involvement of the civilian population in these strategies. As palpable example, we have the existence of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR) which by far has strong policies to achieve the Goals for Sustainable Development.

Strongly that Rwanda continues in its ecological line to cease to be a source of inspiration for countries that already follow his steps .And also, I'd like countries like mine, Niger, Tunisia etc. in short all nations not green yet to adopt or adapt this ecological model.