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Thailand's strategies to a greener community.

by | 19-10-2016 00:03

Just last week, Thai citizens? hearts were broken when the news of King Bhumibol?s death was release. He had done so much for us, invented many inventions to help his people live a happy life, where humans learned to live peacefully with nature. So for this report, I will introduce my own country?s transformational strategies.

          Thailand has been my home since I was born, and I have grown up watching the king as he traveled all over the country, no matter how far or how treacherous, to see his people and help them in whatever ways he can. He took great interest in Thailand?s environmental conditions, and so, cooperated with the government to develop new strategies and create new inventions to help improve the environmental conditions in Thailand.

          To make a community greener, we have to start at each house, improve each household?s environmental conditions first then we can move on to bigger things. This is where ?sufficient economy? comes in. Sufficient economy is a philosophy created by King Bhumibol based on Thai culture.

The 3 pillars of sufficient economy are:

-Moderation: Sufficiency at a level of not overdoing or underdoing at the expense of oneself or others, for example, producing and consuming at a moderate level.

-Reasonableness: The decision concerning the level of sufficiency must be made rationally with consideration of the factors involved and careful anticipation of the outcomes that may be expected from such action.

-Risk Management: The preparation to cope with the likely impact and changes in various aspects by considering the probability of future situations.

Also, before making a decision or completing an action, we have to think things through depending on these 2 conditions which are knowledge and virtue.

Moreover, King Bhumibol had helped in farmland division, which benefits us the most and cause no harm to the environment. He divided a farmland into 4 parts:

1.Pond/reservoir = 30% of total farmland

2.Rice fields = 30% of total farmland

3.Fields and horticultural crops = 30% of total farmland

4.Settlement = 10% of total farmland

Pond and/or reservoir are to store rainwater during the rainy season while during the dry season it serves to supply water to grow crops (in the rice fields and horticultural crops fields) and raise aquatic animals and plants. King Bhumibol invented the ?Chaipattana Aerator? to help add more oxygen into the water and pollution-destroying bacteria, in case the water is polluted. ?We had it put together into what we call the Surf Boat because it resembles Surf Boats with a rotating propeller. This Surf Boat produced good results. The 1-2 horsepower engine scoops water up and sprinkles it back over the surface to introduce oxygen into the wastewater,? said King Bhumibol. Aquatic life will be able to live for a longer period of time because there are sufficient oxygen supplies.

King Bhumibol saw that there are usually problems concerning the soil being polluted and can?t be use for agriculture, so for the rice fields and horticultural crops fields the king found solutions for the problems of polluted soil.

In areas which have experienced deforestation, he and the local people helped plant trees and restored the area. Now most of them have been restored to what they were before deforestation.

                     Soil degradation and erosion are two of the most common problems found in agriculture. Humans take part in making both of them a ?common? problems, actions such as deforestation doesn?t only take away trees but also animals and eventually this cause erosion. Luckily, the solution has been found. By using vetiver grass it helps prevent the collapse of road shoulders on highland areas such as those in Northern Thailand. They are easy to plant and the results are effective.

          There are still more interesting strategies waiting to be discovered, what ideas and strategies King Bhumibol discovered and proposed helped pave the way to us humans living sustainably with nature, and encouraging us to find ways to solve problems the eco-friendly ways.

REFERENCES: The Chaipattana Foundation website