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What can be done to avoid earthquake mass destruction?

by | 26-09-2016 01:24

Tanzania for the first time earthquake with magnitude 5.7(Tanzania Geologists, 2016) hit northern of the country and live mass number of people with no homes and few dead (19 people). According to Tanzanian government more than 1000 houses were broken and 840 houses were demolished.
Before 5.7 earthquake magnitude ,most of the earthquakes magnitude used to range at five where by they used to bring no harm to the community as well as no destruction or any deaths to human beings and animals.
Most of developing countries are not prepared for natural disasters or catastrophes as compared to developed countries .Developed countries they have signals before the occurrence of natural disaster like earthquake ,hence they have preventive measures to its citizens before mass destruction.
What happened in Tanzania there was no signals to its citizens about earthquake,houses were built with little space between one another which leads to multiple effect when earthquake occurs,citizens and government were also reluctant that earthquake always occurs with low magnitude which brings no harm to the community and lastly there was no enough education about earthquake to the community
I think the following should be put into consideration in order to solve mass destruction caused by earthquake to the community and environment.
Provision of education on natural disasters and earthquake in general.
Earlier signals should be provided by the government to its citizens.
Country investment in scientists
Building of seismic and earthquake resistant homes to areas vulnerable to earthquakes
Enough space is important between one house and another

As Tunza Eco generation ambassador I will try to raise awareness on this to my local community and on social medias.

Photo courtesy/source by me