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Popular environmental organizations in Bangladesh

by | 22-09-2016 15:33

In order to solve all major problems we need a group of people who are passionate about a particular cause while following a single mission.
Protecting as well as promoting the environment is a major task that can be performed by any single individual. 
Thus passionate environmentalists open up environmental organizations in order to attract people who are interested in protecting the environment and then utilize the resources of the organization to achieve this mission in a structured manner.

Many people in Bangladesh are passionate about protecting our environment and ensuring sustainability as well. Thus some environmental do exist who are quite successful in terms of creating awareness, youth mobilization and other preservation projections.

Here are some of the organizations as follows:

1. Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative (BYEI): This is one of the first youth based organizations in Bangladesh which aims to mobilize the young generation to preserve the environment. Some of their most notable activities include, collaboration with international organizations, conduct the National Environmental Olympiad contest for young people and Environmental training as well. 

2.  Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA): It was launched in 2000 to create a nation wide, united, and strong civic movement to protect Bangladesh?s environment. The environment of Bangladesh is deteriorating fast. And in order to solve problems such as degradation of biodiversity, water pollution, air pollution and climate change, this organization has been formed. BAPA is focused on the sustainability of the environment of Bangladesh.

3. ESDO: Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO is a Bangladeshi organization working to spread the message about the need for environmental conservation – to ensure the protection of biological diversity and ecological balance. Since the official formation of ESDO in 1990, we have focused on generating knowledge amongst the wider community about how human activity can negatively impact on the environment of Bangladesh. As a service oriented non-profit, non-government organization, ESDO strives to improve the livelihoods, the socio-economic status and simultaneously the environmental education of some of the most vulnerable communities in Bangladesh. ESDO invests in the people to care for the environment through providing essential inputs and capacity building. Environmental and Social Development Organization want to ensure self-reliant rural communities who live in harmony with their environment.

More and more Bangladeshis are becoming passionate to join the mission of protecting the environment and thus we can expect the formation of new environmental organizations in the next few years. Best of luck to the new existing organizations in fulfilling their mission.