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by | 23-09-2016 13:14



  The struggle has exceeded its limit. Yeah, struggle against climate change. Anthropogenic climate change a burning issue that requires urgent action for adaptation or mitigation from its adverse effects. UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) is an international environmental treaty negotiated at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992, then entered into force on 21 March 1994, whose main objective is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent anthropogenic interference with the climate system. COP (Conference of Parties) is the supreme decision making body of the UNFCCC. Since 1995, annually representatives of more than hundred countries have been participating in COP, to ensure united action against climate change where the parties review the implementation of convention that the COP adopted and take decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation.COP in my city is an youth-led project of CliMates ( a global student network), with ambitions to bridge the gap between climate negotiations and youth in order to inspire local climate actions in all cities of the world.


  September21, 2016-World Climate Simulation, COP in my city, Chitwan, Nepal, was organized successfully with active participants of twenty four youths from grade eight, nine and ten of Prerana Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur, Chitwan. The program was organized by Union of Veterinary and Agriculture Students (UVAS) and held for about two hours. We had invited Ms. Bindu Bhandari (Asia Regional Officer of COP in my city and Regional Ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation) as special guest, Mr. Mohan Lama( Principal of Prerana Higher Secondary School) as chief guest and Mr. Prakash Adhikari( President of UVAS) as chairperson . Ms. Bindu Bhandari, first of all, initiated her speech by introducing participants about COP in my city. Then, Mr. Mohan Lama talked about the importance of these kinds of simulation programs in secondary level students. After this, Mr. Prakash Adhikari handovered Token Of Love to Ms. Bindu Bhandari and Mr. Mohan Lama. Then, Mr. Prakash Adhikari concluded the formal session with his speech about climate change and its present scenario. Our special guest, Ms. Bindu Bhandari introduced about the concept of COP in my city in catchy way. Me, Pramisha Thapaliya described about Green House Effect, Global Warming and Climate Change, to the participants. Then, again, Ms. Bindu Bhandari introduced about current status of climate change in Nepal and world and described about real COP. After this, we entered into interesting simulation session.


  In simulation, participants were grouped into Developed countries, Developing A countries, Developing B countries and Climate Activists, with six members in each. Then, briefing sheets were given to participants in each region.  We provided necessary instructions to the participants about the world of diplomacy and formality. They discussed with each other in an enthusiastic way and brainstormed for a concrete action plan, up to 2030, 2050 and 2100. Volunteers Padam Tandan, Sabina Pokhrel, Pradip Poudel and Pujan Dhakal were there to facilitate each team. Then, the team leader presented the action plan on what roles they can play in real world in the aspects of climate change, their commitments and hope for limiting global warming well below 20Celsius and pursue efforts to limit rise to 1.50Celsius by 2100.


  Finally, Ms. Sabina Pokharel concluded the simulation session with her thanksgiving speech and we distributed chocolates to all the participants. Then, we captured group photos. In this way, COP in Chitwan was successfully organized with active participants and it went as interesting as the real one. Furthermore, it inspired the participants to take proper youth action with sense of responsibility for adaptation or mitigation of harsh effects of climate change.

                       Green Cheers!!!