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by Isaac ABUGRI | 24-09-2016 07:58

The 21st of September is a date set aside every year as volunteers day. It is also the birth day of the first president of Ghana, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah which is celebrated an observed as founder?s day.

As part of this year?s volunteers day and founder?s day, an event dubbed ?Save life under water? was organized by Project Hope GH in partnership with Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) in response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 14, which has to do with conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems.

The event which comprised a clean-up exercise at the beach to the west gate of the University of Cape Coast and education of the residents in the neighboring community on the effects of polluting water bodies and how to avoid such behaviors, started as early as 7:00 am with members of both organizations cleaning the beach. The clean-up exercise ended at about 12:00pm.

The second part of the event which was the public education, started from 12:00pm. At this point, members of were divided into groups in order that more residents will be educated. During the clean-up exercise, human excreta was seen and when asked, the residents of the community told members that most of the houses do not have toilets and that the public toilet was destroyed and a new one was under construction, so there was no other place for those without toilets to ease themselves than the beach.

At the end of the event, members were challenged not to let the campaign end there but to continue to campaign on attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals.