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partnersihip with popular environmental orgnisations and campaigns in TOGO

by | 21-09-2016 00:29

Hi green family!
In my country TOGO,
it exists many organizations but few are
specialized in  environmental issue and each of those environmental organisations or campaigns sets out his own branch. In thoses branches/fields,we can enumerate:
- planting
-awareness of local citizens including children,youth and adults to the protection of the environment with sustainable manners or behaviors
-earth protection
-renewable energies etc.
So,to fellow me and all the next Tunza Eco-generation ambassadors in TOGO in order to permit
Tunza Eco-generation program to have a great impact,I have succeded to establish partnership with many organizations.Some of them are:
  1. ONG JVE/YVE(Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement/Young Volunteers of the Environment) International: This is the most popular environment of youngsters in TOGO which is focused in the protection of environment in all side even in water and sanitation,and planting,in the awareness of urban and rural communities to the environment protection,in nature conservation,in cultural biodiversity,in solar or clean energies etc.
  2. EBAFOSA-TOGO(Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Food Security in Africa): a representation in Togo of EBAFOSA assembly which have his social siege in Kenya  and which cares about food security and the adaptation of agriculture to the climate change in Togo.
  3. GNDR(Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction) :This network works in Disaster Reduction.
  4. Jeunes Verts TOGO focused in the environment protection
  5. Eau Vive: this organization works in water and sanitation domain.
  6. Plant-for-the planet in planting
  7. Earth Guardians in earth protection
  8. ONG STAAD especially engaged in the managment of plasctic sachets etc.

I am sure that those partnerships are a nice and great opportunity for Tunza Eco generation in my country.