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Visiting Upo Wetland Park in Daegu, South Korea

by | 17-09-2016 03:14

July 2016 was truly a memorable month for me. It was the first time I visited South Korea for an event organized by the Korean Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

One of the most memorable days from the program was the day we had a field trip. The venue of the field trip was a renowned wetland park in the Daegu city which is located near the Busan province. 

All of the participants were taken to the venue via a short bus ride of 20 minutes from the host university which was Degu Gyeonbuk Institute of Science and Technology (also known as DGIST).

The field trip began through a small educational video which was shown in the park theater. The educational documentary was very informative since it was filled with details and facts about the importance of wetlands, animals that reside in wetland, some famous wetlands around the world and lastly about the Upo Wetland park itself.

After the documentary we were accompanied by a very talented tour guide who took us to the different wetland sites as well as gave us a very entertaining explanation of each and every areas. 

The entire field tour of the park lasted for around three hours and after the tour we became pretty exhausted due to the warm and humid weather. In face, some of the Korean students said that Daegu was one of the warmest regions of South Korea.

After the trip we returned to DGIST and continued with the conference sessions. Although most of the event sessions were conducted in the university, a single field trip session was good enough to give us and idea of the wetland ecosystem around the world and the measures we should take to protect as well as conserve them for our future generations.

Visiting South Korea was truly a fantastic experience and I truly hope I get to visit it again in the future.