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The Lmzari forest: An appeal to save the local forest

by | 15-09-2016 03:17

The Lmzari forest is a plant community, especially of trees,  occupying an enormous deal of land in  the central south of Morocco, also and generally known as Souss-Massa forest. Since ancient times and still nowadays, forests  have been a cozy place of living for many people all around the world. Forests, a friendly place that secured safety, warmth and food for its dwellers.  And perhaps the most ecological function of forests is protecting the land  against erosion, the wearing away of topsoil due to wind and water. The local Lmzari forest has once had dwellers who due to a certain ecological reason left it behind. This is because of erosion.

The dwellers of Lmzari forest have lived in peace and prosperity for ages. But the overuse of the forest which is represented in cutting trees and overgrazing resulted in the gradual wearing away of sand. Sand has worn away to the extent that most houses are still to this moment completely submerged. This happening has forced the inhabitants to leave the area and start over somewhere else. At this moment did the new Lmzar emerge so is the question "did the Lmzarian learn any lesson ?".

In regard of fighting erosion, Green Days took place a few years ago by local youths and associations which ended up planting an intensive area of land. This might well be taken as a "Yes" to the question above. Though the Lmzari forest is a place for recreation which provides shade and oxyson and wherein people perform sports and go to for picnics, it still faces serious issues of overgrazing and people cutting down trees for their own benefits. People do not seem to absorb, as they absorb the oxygen produced by plants, the fact that plants in the environment help slow down the process of erosion. The history is repeating itself and here "No" ends up being the answer to the aforementioned question.

Change starts with youth. The Lmzari forest can be saved in many ways in which local youths play a very important role. Awareness campaigns can be conducted by youths who seem to appreciate the importance of the forest for the sake of those who do not. Local associations in conjunction with municipality can also conduct green days and fine, with no exception, whoever violates the regulations. To sum up, change comes within one's self.  As Gandhi said, be the change you want to see in the world.