ANTI SMOKING AWARENESSby | 05-09-2016 02:09 |
![]() ![]() I briefed that cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including around 50 known cancer-causing compounds and 400 other toxins. Smoke and cigarette butts affect the environment the most, resulting into air, water and land pollution. I also spoke on the environmental hazards caused by the disposal of cigarette butts. I concluded by saying that the only way to stop harming the environment is to stop buying these products and using them. Quitting smoking is the best preventive medicine. I also requested everyone in the hall, to repeat a pledge after me saying to quit smoking and other tobacco products. After delivering a speech on the same, I distributed brochures on anti-smoking. I believe that this event had touched the hearts of at least some smokers in order to quit smoking. This positively impacted many people. The event was successful in spreading the message of environmental protection and conservation. |