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Quick Guide to Facilitate World Climate Simulation

by | 02-09-2016 12:03

Dear Friends,

Have you ever heard of World Climate Simulation? I guess some of you have, as recently one of our fellow ambassador Joshua Amponsem posted an article World Climate Event in Kumasi If you have not developed a clear idea about it, in this article I will be debriefing how to facilitate World Climate Simulation. 


Before getting started let me share that for 2016 I am enrolled as Asia Regional Officer for Cop In City ( Project of CliMates (an international think and do tank on climate change) and also a World Climate Ambassador of Climate Interactive ( In this respect, I have been training prospective young climate leaders in Asia on how to run the World Climate Simulation. World Climate Simulation uses an interactive computer model for role playing of United Nations Climate Change Negotiations. Climate Interactive designed World Climate in Partnership with Professor John Sterman at MIT. CliMates as well is one of the valuable partner of World Climate. As of 9th August, 2016 a total of 392 World Climate events have been registered in 58 countries with 19,922 participants.


Without any delay, I would like to jump to a quick step wise guide on how to run a World Climate Event in your city:

Preparatory Phase:

Introduce your participants about the World Climate Simulation, its objectives and flow of session.

Participants are grouped either into three regions model or six regions model. The six region model consists of India, China, EU, USA, Other Developed Countries (includes Australia, Canada, Japan, New
Zealand, Russia and other former Soviet Republics, South Korea, etc.) and Other Developing Countries (includes the nations of Africa, Central and South America, South and Southeast
Asia, most of the Middle East, and the island nations of the Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Caribbean)

Besides these six groups, if we have enough participants then we can add three more negotiating groups as well namely Fossil Fuel Lobbyist, Climate Change Activists and Media Persons.

Handover briefing sheets to participants in each region. Briefing sheet for each region is confidential and consist information about the global landscape, national action and goal, context etc. of the negotiating region. For instance: one of the goal of Developing Region may be to demand and ensure adequate green climate fund from developed countries to adapt towards vulnerable climatic impacts  while as the goal of China may be to peak the greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and transition towards green economy.

Additionally, two of the participants should role play as UN Secretary General i.e. Ban Ki Moon and UNFCCC Executive Secretary i.e. Patricia Espinosa. These two would be in charge to run the whole session of simulation thenafter.

Provide necessary instruction to all the participants that they are no more who they used to be, they have now entered the world of Diplomacy. And in the world of diplomacy their gestures and temper speak more than their words, so remember FORMALITY is a must for delegates.

To make it more satirical, the simulation plot may be adjusted as cozy sofa and delicious food items for delegates role playing of US and Developed Countries while as delegates role playing of China and India may be offered some food items whereas those from Other Developing Countries may sit on the floor with no any food. Wohoooo! Isn?t this a perfect mockery? Yeah, it is such exciting.


Simulation Session

Now when everything is set UN Secretary General/ UNFCCC Executive Secretary starts the simulation with welcome note for delegation present. Allocate certain time for each region to present their contribution statement.

One delegate from each region give speeches about their contribution and these data are entered into C- Roads or C- Learn.

C- ROADS is a free award winning computer simulation which can be Downloaded Here  C- ROADS translates the pledges of climate mitigation scenarios into emissions, concentration, temperature and per- capita emissions outcomes. You can see the Tutorial video of using C- ROADS Here

While as C- Learn is an online version, simplified C- ROADS based on three region model. You can see the video on using C- Learn Here

The results and impacts of contributions from each region is discussed. Definitely one region might not be satisfied with the results of next region and then the heated debate may go on.

In the next round of negotiation, delegate from one region may move from their place and lobby delegates from other region.

Keep in mind, the ultimate mission is to limit the global rise of temperature to well below 2 degree Celsius by 2100.

Try second and third round of negotiation until the goal is met.


Debriefing Phase

So when the delegations agree on ambitious contribution from their side, finally share the conclusion of the mock negotiation. Let the delegates share their experience while going via negotiations and playing role of country heads.  Brainstorm on what roles they can play in real world to combat climate change, their insight, hope, tragedy of commons and so on. Trust me, if the delegate enter inside their allocated character sincerely then the simulation may go as interesting as the real one.

Don?t forget to capture the memories in photos and video as well.

Well, would you love to lead such simulation on your own? If yes, you can find all the Facilitator Resources Here

Also, you can watch Video Preview of World Climate Simulation. Above All, if you want to know yet more than feel free to reach me by any means. I would be glad to share my experience and knowledge on facilitating World Climate Simulation.

PS: Some pictures used here are Screenshots during Webinar of Climate Interactive on World Climate Simulation held on 31st August, 2016 


Green Cheers!