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Resolution on Agenda 2 : Impact of economic growth, industrialization and urbanization on carbon emission intensity

by Prakriti Dhakal | 01-09-2016 12:02

Dear Ambassadors,

As part of my ambassador report, I am here with Resolution Paper preapred by our committee on Agenda 2 : Impact of economic growth, industrialization and urbanization on carbon emission intensity. I had attended Everest International Model United Nation recently. Hope this resolution paper will help everyone to learn about policies on climate change and also idea to write resoltuion in MUN. Thank You !

You can find it here in my Blog :

Committee: Economic and Social Council

Agenda: Impact of economic growth, industrialization and urbanization on carbon emission intensity

Authors: South Africa and United States of America

Sponsors: Portugal, Kazakhstan, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia,

Signatories: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mauritius, Moldova, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Turkey, Sweden, Uganda

Recalling the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes Rio Earth Summit which focuses upon global climate change calling for the widest possible cooperation between countries in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities, respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions with accordance to the developed country parties should take the lead in combating climate change and adverse effects thereof,

Reminding all members of the 21st Annual Conference of Parties in Paris from November 30th to December 11th 2015 by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and reaffirming its Article 8 which talks about areas of cooperation and facilitation to enhance understanding, action and support about climate change,

Stressing the importance of global peace and the need to address adverse effects of climate change as an imminent danger and reminding the members to focus on reducing carbon emissions,

The Economic and Social Council, suggests the following:

1.  Urges multi-lateral cooperation and equitable relation between developed and developing countries through the following ways:

a.   Promoting awareness programs and trainings for underdeveloped and developing countries

b.  Hosting UN climate conference in developing countries to increase their inclusion for this purpose

c.   Encourages member states to proactively support advocacy programs by taking civil society bodies and non-government bodies to emphasize the seriousness of this issue

d.  Sharing of knowledge through meeting in conventions with both parties

e.   Reparations for the damages that have already been caused would be given by developed countries


2.  Takes into consideration a cap or allowance on the amount and ratio to carbon emission that can be emitted based on the following demographics monitored and regulated by UNEP:

a.   Emission per capita Gross Domestic Production (GDP)

b.  Emission per capita land

c.   Emission per capita population

3.  Considers the youth is the key to a sustainable future, we must encourage them to contribute in order to reduce climate change by:

a.   Gaining their attention by promoting climate change tackling issues through social media and TV

b.  Using organizations and individuals to provide financial and social support to night schools for youths and adults that take part in community service work especially those that have to do with tackling climate change to attend at their convenience


4.  Reminds that education is an essential element of the global response to climate change and for its promotion we must:

a.   Urge nations to offer counseling in schools to encourage students to reduce their  carbon footprints and participate in youth awareness activities hosted by the United Nations

b.  Raise awareness among parents and guardians to properly advise and help their children understand the need of tolerance should  a crisis situation appear at any moment

c.   Introduce modification in existing relevant subjects in institutions emphasizing on climate change mainly

d.  Teach the idea of global citizenship to make people more tolerant in times of natural disasters




5.  Expects to fund social programs by:

a.   Requesting organizations (i.e. IMF, World bank) to provide long term low or zero interest financial loans to underdeveloped and developing countries that require immediate support

b.  Creating a deposit funded and managed by the member countries for disaster management and climate crisis open to all interested parties

c.   Encouraging philanthropists and NGOs to fund environment conservation projects/campaigns and to introduce scholarships on environmental studies

d.  Form a board with the leading companies from different countries that can use their Corporate Social Responsibilities funds in promoting and supporting eco-friendly projects and take initiatives to battle against climate change


6.  Supports the reduction of carbon foot prints through:

a.   The promotion of green lifestyles amongst the general public like, encouraging walking, bicycling, hybrid car usage, eco-driving, minimum usage of fossil generated electricity

b.  Recycling materials such as organic waste, glass, plastic and aluminum containers

c.   Increasing efficiency of Carbon Sinks through afforestation using extensive and rigorous research


7.  Takes into consideration the importance of tackling deforestation and wildlife preservation, we would implement the following steps:

a.   Ban unsustainable logging and balance necessary logging with replantation

b.  To stop deforestation and desertification, initiate programs that encourages plantation of trees such as ?Green Forestry Program?


8.  Takes note of the importance of water bodies and as a victim to carbon emissions and would like to introduce the following steps:

a.   Conduct studies and research on ways to preserve and revaluate water bodies

b.  Monitoring the damages caused to the water bodies, flow of water resources and assess water requirement factors through the researches


9.  Expresses its hope on new methods of agriculture and farming through the following ways:

a.   Minimum soil disturbance, ensuring more carbon is stored in the ground

b.  Crop Rotation so that more types of crops are produced from the same land

c.   Incorporate regional organizations to look into the problems of the affected areas

d.  Cover soil with waste to recreate forest floor conditions, ensuring soil remains fertilized

e.   Rain water preservation systems should be introduced to reduce dependence on artificial water supply lines


10.      Recommends developing integrated assessments of environmental, economic and health impacts of climate change through the following methods:

a.   UN bodies as WHO should come up with assessments at least once every year

b.  Identify and monitor target groups of people at risk

c.   Develop treatment protocols for climate related health problems

d.  All the member states to install best refill machines outside hospitals to avoid disposing wastes into water bodies

e.   Assessing the risk for the emergence of new, unfamiliar diseases and health impacts


11.      Supports closing the gap between economic and ecological efficiencies by improving the methods of calculating payments for environmental pollution through investment in natural capital which are agriculture and forest based


12.      Further recommends the improvement of the system of statistical reporting and accounting of chemical substances at the state level with formation of emission registers and transfer of chemical substances at the regional and national levels to introduce household waste separation programs



13.      Further encourages the adoption of renewable energy models such as:

a.   Encouraging implementation of ?Renewable Portfolio Standards? that would mandate the enterprises to source a portion of their energy requirement from renewable sources

b.  Implement "Net Metering", a system that compensates an individual with renewable energy infrastructure for the energy that is sold back to the government grid.