IT BEGINS WITH YOUby | 19-08-2016 08:28 |
We live in a world where globalization is one of the main goals even in order to achieve peace. I started to ask myself, where is the place of Eco-system conservation when it comes to globalization??, The answer remains the same....... It begins with you, In other to achieve globalization with people, we could start with the conservation of non-living entities. If we can make out ways to conserve the resources of the environment that we use in our daily lives, it will be easier to establish the relationship that we need to achieve a globalized world. What happened to the last can of coca-cola that you drank?? What about the last receipt you got from the ATM ?? Do you leave the tap running while you are brushing your teeth?? Do you keep charging your mobile devices even after their full charge?? Do you switch off light bulbs that are not in use??? All these questions have answers that connects to either energy / resource conservation and energy wastage. Does your answer help us conserve the energy we have in order to renew them or vice versa?? If we are to create awareness on eco-conservation and make the world see the reasons why we need to protect our planet, then it starts with us. Lets take that bold step and make some changes, it will affect a life and improve our world ecologically.