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WWF-Korea Presentation

by | 09-08-2016 22:57

Besides serving community with promoting environmental issues, I have founded an environmental awareness club at my school as well. The main focus of school club is sharing pressing issues with fellow students and doing awareness campaigns in school community.
Part of an awareness campaign, our school club invited WWF-Korea's CEO to tell us what is going on in Korea environment-wise.
During the assembly, when 100 students and teachers were gathered together, WWF-CEO shared many interesting factors.
One of the most interesting factor was related to 'Tiger' conservation. We, so far, have called Korean Tiger as Siberian Tiger, and, including myself, we believe that is correct. However, from the presentation, we learn that the correct name for Korean Tiger is 'Amour Tiger', name originated from forests in Russia. Another interesting factor is that 'Pine trees' are playing an important role for the livelihood of tigers. Where tigers are still spotted in Russia and China, pine trees are their major living area.
From the presentation, I felt that many factors I learned before were incorrect or needed to be updated.
Nowadays, we have lots of information flow on the net, and if you take an interest in any animal conservation, the information will be just one click away.

Behind the scene: Youtube video, "Building a pine nut tiger"