Indonesia' Sanitationby Dewi Retno S | 07-08-2016 09:46 |
Indonesia as a part of the United Nations, participated actively in achieving the SDGs. One of SDGs is point 6, Clean Water and Sanitation - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. One of the Indonesia's efforts is listed in the Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (National Medium Term Development Plan) or RPJMN 2015-2019. In 2014, access to safe drinking water in Indonesia around 70% and sanitation amounted to 60.5%. In RPJMN, both targeted to reach 100%. To achieve this, government will make addition of the sewerage infrastructure in a centralized system, communal waste water treatment, as well as improved management of urban sludge through the construction of sludge treatment plant. In the field of domestic waste water, the Indonesian government stresses the common on-site sanitation systems such as latrines and septic tanks (90%) compared to communal system (5%) and off-site system (5%). One of the programs to reach the 100% access to sanitation is a Sejuta Jamban (Million of Latrines) by TNI AD (Indonesian Army) . The program aims to change people's habits Indonesia which is still do open defecation and achieve ODF (open defecation free). According to UNICEF, Indonesia became the second country with the largest number of open defecation. Approximately 51 million people in Indonesia (around 20%) are still open defecation. In various regions in Indonesia, this program is being intensified. One of them is in my own hometown TNI AD donated 60 latrines. Sources: RPJMN 2015-2019 dan Kaltim Post |